Considering that most of what you post is largely incoherent, I doubt you know what most words mean.
You’re yet another negativity clown amongst thousands in GD.
Considering that most of what you post is largely incoherent, I doubt you know what most words mean.
You’re yet another negativity clown amongst thousands in GD.
aww did some1 got declined in a group because of your lack of IO
That’s a wierdly specific and romantic view of 5 man dungeons and pugs
I honestly think they have to lose a lot more players, as well as notice much less participation in M+ in order for them to remove it Vallanesh.
I get it though. A lot of the best gear in the game is controlled by other player’s teamwork, support and cooperation, and in a lot of cases (with such a toxic community), that just doesn’t happen. So players are prevented from getting what they really want thanks to other players, so what’s the point in even playing then—so they unsub, quit, don’t bother coming back to the game (or staying long), and perhaps that’s the reason many of our friends’ lists are greyed-out.
That’s just one of my silly, pointless, stupid theory/ideas/whatever. Take it or leave it.
If they added a solo end game with the same rewards as M+ and Raiding then that would be the most popular content. Players will always gravitate to the path of least resistance. That doesn’t mean it would be healthy for the game.
I like M+ but the one thing WOW has going for it over its competitors is large scale group content like Raids.
One mistake I see on the forums is comparing Mythic Raiding to M+ when a better comp is Heroic Raiding in terms of accessibility and difficulty (meaning 15s compared to Heroic Bosses). I’d love to see some changes to Heroic Raid rewards like adding Valor upgrades.
When? A month? A year? Two years? 5 years?
Respectfully as possible, FF14 is crushing wow right now and its raids are only 8 man. It’s not raid size that is killing wow. Nor m+
What’s hurting wow most is slow content release schedule + design decisions. That’s it. If they fixed those two things alone people would complain half as often.
I never said either of those things just that larger Raids is one of the few things WOW has that games like FF, ESO, etc don’t.
I know, I’m just saying, I don’t think that’s a draw anymore and wow either needs to adapt or die. Like all things. Raiding and big group content are super niche. Frankly speaking raiding is the one thing wow’s got right now that isn’t bad, and yet here we are, bleeding people. I think content release schedule and quality of systems are driving more people away than anything. It’s definitely not M+, maybe for some, but not in the numbers who have left. My friend list went from a constant 50+ to 2-5 online. Majority of them are playing new world or FF14 now.
I never said it was.
The only reason FFIXV seems to be doing so well for 2 reasons 1. the devs give special attention to streamers and where those streamers go the mindless sheep who make up their fanbases will follow without hesitation this however will only be temporary as seen as a lot of them are moving to New World now and of course the sheep are following.
And the second reason well.
The Second reason is starting to backfire on them.
Well yeah, when you offer better loot than raiding, then you know you really messed up your game. Dungeon loot should never be higher than Heroic or Mythic raiding loot.
Exactly M+ was always supposed to be a way for raiders who are not getting good loot drops from raids a way to keep up with progression.
no, it wasn’t
can it be used that way? absolutely
was that the driving purpose behind it’s creation? no.
if you have proof otherwise, though, let’s see it
Well why do you think M+ was created?
It’s incestuous, even. At the very least it promotes the “members only” sentiment. You cannot nurture a community when a high value reward incentivizes exclusivity. Plus, it’s boring hanging out with the same 4 people when you have absolutely NO interest in nurturing the interaction beyond M20. At least with 16 others, there’s a bit more variety - spice - in spite of the increase in likelihood it could all collapse sooner.
Unfortunately, the loss of unique subscriptions also means fewer players to replace the revolving door that gatekeeps raiding.
I did a 3@30 with all classes as pures multiple times in d1. I solo no breaked ironmanned into sub dlvl 14 multiple times. I had a perfect arty mage. A solid bow and CAT rogue setup. And I never bothered to play my warriors as anything but LAW.
In d2 vanilla my amazon was in the 80s on ladder. My paladin the 50s. In LOD I pioneered the viable melee sorceress when it was still a meme and a joke and soloed 8 player ancient’s way to level. I pioneered cow leveling with my necro and was ranked in the 40s on US west. My druid was ranked in the 60s or 70s. My hardcore druid was also in the 40s before his death.
In d3 during the initial release when everything in hell was a 1 shot, I dragged my demon hunter to the middle of act 3 when kiting became totally impossible.
My druid in D2R is pushing 93, my MF sorc is somewhere in her 80s and the rest are somewhere between 60 and 80.
When it comes to the Diablo franchise, I’ve forgotten more than most people will ever know.
Diablo 3 was a flop, by Blizzard game standards. They boosted sales numbers by adding it as a bonus to the WoW sub as one of their first gimmicks to combat waning numbers during late Cataclysm. It was a decent game, and like D2 has been greatly improved by successive changes, but still an undeserving successor to D2.
Isometric games still exist yes, but they are more suited to MOBAs and the like. Action/combat/horror/exploration is better suited to a game that puts you in that action. Not one that makes you hover above it. It is also better suited to controller use, which is definitely going to be part of Diablo 4.
The draw in Diablo is the the hack and slash combined with the loot slot machine. Sprinkle in some random dungeon generation to keep you guessing. This needs to remain a key component, but point and click is antiquated. Isometric view is a legacy of 20th century gaming, and Nintendo was wise to abandon it for their Zelda franchise. As I said, I’ve actually played D4. Remember how the necromancer felt in D3 when he came out? That’s how D4 felt. New class. New zone. But otherwise the exact same as D3. An expansion to D3 would be cheaper and just as popular if they persist with the isometric route.
Op is certainly right you know.
Indeed, nerf demon hunters.
It was good for Legion because of the Legion weapons.
Now they have to have borrowed power every expansion in order to make it work. It’s not sustainable. In addition, M+ turns what used to be a chill way of getting loot and making friends into something that is ultra-cliquey and hypercompetitive. That’s not what WoW was designed to be.
Unfortunately, I agree with the OP. Mythic plus is incredibly toxic and just plain not fun. They are designing these dungeons around gimmick borrowed powers, and frankly I’ve had enough of it.
Plus half the time you put a group together someone leaves, because Mythic Plus breeds toxic behavior. Delete it now, Blizzard.