Yeet We Elite Let's Get That Glad

tedtalks aren’t being forced down kids throats like they should be

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I’ve always hated the idea of needing a community. Guilds were prevalent in Vanilla and BC and WOTLK because content was a bit more challenging due to the playerbase being unskilled noobs. If you wanted to be a geared player in these expansions, you needed a guild. In Cata and MoP this wasn’t as big of a deal, pugging was a realistic thing.

I think cross-realm was introduced in Cata, but that’s not really the point. Cross-realm took your dead server and opened it up so you could invite whoever you wanted, and seasoned vets like myself who knew how to use outside resources that allowed for cross realm group advertising were able to increase the playerbase for pugs. Recruiting for guilds really lost purpose besides the major hardcore pushing guilds. WoD introduced mythic raids which were server locked, which imo is ridiculous. Server locking raids is a cash grab by Blizzard to force high end players looking for guilds to server transfer, that’s the only reason. If cross realm raiding was opened for mythic content you would see lots more mythic clearing in pugs. Elitism rules. People would check logs, evaluate your performance, and create high end communities with a snap of their fingers. Just like high end PVP is now done by Btag, not communities and guilds. The idea of a community exists for players who want a social interaction. Help is much more easily sought through online resources, nobody is pioneering this game anymore. It’s been out for 15 years, there aren’t really stones left unturned.

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there’s 0 possible way the 35 year old man with a ponytail that purchases bahjeera merch while shouting ‘le potato’ and ‘pupper doggo’ has ever once had the nerve to belittle anyone irl

i refuse to believe you
i need a source

the community aspect was so important
i mean that’s the reason any of us post here

you can front like you’re a ‘le reddit trolleh x3’ or whatever weirdo rp u like to do
but factually you like the community aspect even if it’s garbage and toxic that’s on this forum

cross realm and lfg pretty much killed every social aspect of wow


Plays a mmo -> Doesn’t want a community.

Plays double destro -> Flexes on forums.

There’s some things money can’t buy.
For everything else, there’s MasterCard.