Yeeesh! Patch Days

…sure do make people cranky (lol).




Seems like standard forums activity if you ask me.


That’s because we’re surrounded by a bunch of wannabe troll spoiled rotten hide behind the internet adult children who can’t touch grass for a few hours or go do something constructive with their lives.

Whew, Glad i got that out of my system.

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people have resurrected topics from months ago
to argue dead issues…
i think they’re just cranky…‘jones-ing’ for their wow fix.

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We’re due for a good ol’ fashioned “I took they day off to play today, what the heck” post.


I must admit I wonder that I have a setting which allows for data to be downloaded in the background (which happens) and then have to wait half an hour for it the patch to download on the day.

I suppose its better than half a day as it once was…

And really, people here don’t need the excuse of a patch day to vent their spleen about something. :sunglasses:

here we go other hr or 3

oh, did i mention, i took the day
off to play and this is the thanks
i get!!!


I just giggle a bit seeing people say “I’m gonna take the day off!” on a patch day…

on a patch day. come on guys. you do know this is a blizz game right? its going to take a long time, probs more than they said, then there’s going to be log in problems because everyone is clambering to get in. just relax. the game ain’t going no where. :confused:


I’ve been playing Palia and SWTOR.

What’d I miss?

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if they do take a patch day off…
they’re doing it with the specific
intent of coming here to vent!

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