Years of Farming, Feels Bad When It Drops

Ok I do believe that is the only case before hand because ICC was broken up into 3 raid segments with the final wing of ICC opening up after months.

However for other notable final boss mounts like Ashes of A’lar they have never been 100% drop rate.

So what. What difference does it make. I didn’t know OP only want to have those two mounts and weren’t interested in any other in the game.

However, if they are. The time to get these is when the content is current - if you have no patience with RNG.

Actually there is another way. Just buy them on the BMAH - again a guaranteed system already in the game. And that applies to Invincible and the Head and Ashes too.

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No -_-

I am saying that (with the exception of Invincible) no other final boss mounts have been 100% drop rate until Mythic Raiding was intorduced.

The OP is asking for a token system, much like FFXIV’s, where after so many runs (like 50+) of accumulating tokens they can purchase the mount as a bad luck protection.

The OP was talking about old Soloable content not Mythic Jaina’s mount. You clearly haven’t read the entire thread!

BUY THEM FROM THE BMAH - farm gold - guaranteed system.

so someone that started in MoP shouldn’t have good access to any of the older mounts? it’s bad enough there’s so many mythic only mounts but you’re also trying to keep older mounts out of the hands of newer players!!!

OMG - they can earn them just like most of the other players earned them. Either farm them on multiple alts or buy them from the BMAH.

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This doesn’t prove your point.

Raiding the current content doesn’t guarantee you anything. Present day gold carries may be the only thing that does, but it is pretty disingenuous of you to just chalk it to “should’ve done it current back then”.

If you don’t agree with the OP that is totally fine. Just don’t make it sound like there ever was a guaranteed chance and they blew it because that is not accurate.

To take the Lich King for example, when current it was arguably THE most difficult encounter to date. The amount of guilds who simply could not get past Phase 2 for months was insane. Even then, being in a fantastic guild, meant that “guarantee” of a mount would fall to clearing the raid at LEAST 25 consecutive weeks, to have one for everybody, not counting bench or alts. It was still RNG unless you were a Guild Master or Raid Leader.

Context matters, and the OP has valid points.


BUY THEM FROM THE BMAH - farm gold - guaranteed system.

Again, not a guarantee. I am just clearing up this assumption.

what would it hurt you if a mount from 609348503495 expansions ago can be earned through collecting currency? i haven’t “earned” any of my rare mounts and yet i have them.



BLMAH doesn’t guarantee they will be up, some mounts immediately go for gold cap.

The FFXIV token system which has been discussed before, and what the OP wants, is that every lockout when you kill the boss you get 1 token. There would be a vendor which sells the raid items, the rare mount would cost 50 or so tokens. Meaning mount X from raid Y would take 50 kills (50 weeks of farming) to get enough tokens to buy the mount if you have been unlucky thus far.

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Rarely farm old mounts now, but the one I was persistent on was from attunesman. A little over 2800 kills across like 2 dozen alts, would be better for something like that but I doubt that will ever happen. I mean you had to farm one thing, they added transmog, that both gets done and then they add pets to old raids. Have invincible as well, didn’t get it on my toons I was farming for awhile on. I got it on an alt I wanted the 2h sword on, on it’s first run, I almost never use the mount same with astral cloud serpent. Was in there on my 2nd dh alt for mogs and it dropped first run. But yeah most of the time I don’t really feel excited getting something, mounts get replaced all too often with cooler looking ones anyways, I do farm mogs still though.
Well I take that back, I was excited about the voidtalon, I had been camping it off and on for years and finally saw my 3rd portal and got to it before someone else.


this is like arguing with a brick wall. essentially they’re saying “because i say so.” about it not happening. -.-

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How is it not guaranteed - just bid max price and you are done - guaranteed.

I mean, you keep using the word “earn”, as though there were some kind of challenge or meaning behind it. Earn, in this context, would mean putting in time - something I am suggesting this bad luck system require in order to use. If you only get 1 token per week, and it costs 100 tokens… guess how many weeks you need to run it. Go ahead. Do that math. I’ll wait.

At this point you are CLEARLY here just to troll. Less than 1% of the WoW player base even has gold cap on 1 character. A mount like Invincible could take a month to show up to be auctioned on the BMAH.

The suggestion, which you have totally ignored, is to implement a FFXIV (Final Fantasy 14) token system as bad luck protection so when you kill the boss on that character for the 50th time you can spend the currency for that mount if it hasn’t dropped for you yet. Instead of waiting oh 300+ runs on a single character to drop.

Sunken Cost Phallacy Tends to explain a lot of behaviors in WoW.

At 100 kills, spanning 100 weeks, nearly 2 years, and saving the tokens to buy it is “Earned” in most peoples book, you persevered till the end.

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OP said they didn’t mind earning them. Just start farming gold.

I never ignored that suggestion, in fact I said if they implemented it (which I don’t think they should), it shouldn’t be retroactive for past mounts.

you really are trolling at this point. wow.

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Do you even know what trolling is because it doesn’t appear so.

Because I think the idea is bad does not mean I am trolling.

what would it hurt to have people able to spend 100 or whatever weeks to buy a mount? and telling people to get gold cap over and over and over and over again IS trolling.

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