Years of Farming, Feels Bad When It Drops

Yeah. 10 primal runs. Can’t get a mount however the last I played.

I’m still trying to get the sword off Onyxia and when the mount dropped instead, I was disappointed.


I really want the mannoroth shoulders but my God is that a grind. Anything that can help make it bearable would be appreciated.

This is essentially what I am suggesting; It’s an assurance to the player that, if you put in the effort, you’ll eventually get there, even if your luck isn’t that great.

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Like me trying to get the music scroll off the lich king for a character… got invincible for the 2nd and 3rd time >_<

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If they did that, they still shouldn’t touch the old content - the same rules for acquisition should apply to everyone.

If you were smart and if you really wanted a guarantee mount type of thing, you should just get yourself busy and make enough gold to buy a mythic raid carry for mounts.

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i have ridiculously good luck as i got rivendare’s the first time i went in as a max level, ashes in less than 6 runs, ony in less than 4. i also had the red mount from AQ drop that i let my ex have when i’d only been in there a handful of times. i wouldn’t begrudge people the ability to buy stuff with currency that takes a lot of effort to get.


Well then your caught on the hook, all I can say is good luck.

It doesn’t help that the raid shortcuts weren’t introduced until after MoP where if you killed X boss 4 times you could skip to that point. Siege of Ogrimar is great… just takes like 30+ mins to run the entire instance XD

Maybe you were disappointed because you worked so hard for a PS2 era mount.

I can’t buy a carry for Invincible. I can’t buy a carry for Mim’s Head. I, personally, have no qualms buying carries, but you’re suggesting something I literally cannot do.


You can buy a carry for Jaina or you can wait for 6 years and do what you are trying to do in those old raids.

Thing is those Mythic mounts are 100% guaranteed drop during the current Xpac and thats 1 mount per 20 ppl.

Old raid didn’t have guaranteed mount drops when it was current. Also Mythic Jaina will probably be easy to pug (like Mythic Emerald Dream and Nighthold were in legion respectively) at the end of the Xpac.

I am not sure what your point it. The price you pay is reflected in that.

If people want those mounts, getting them while they are current saves them from RNG later. So if they really want a guaranteed system it already exists.

was invincible a 100% drop when it was current? i didn’t do icc until cata i think.

The OP is talking about old raid content from 3+ expansions ago.

Your suggesting to buy a carry (which there is no reason to as that old content is 100% soloable) to get the mount. The mounts from those old raids were never 100% drops unlike today’s Mythic mounts which will drop if Mythic raid is in the current expansion.

Is completely unapplicable because the OP is talking about mounts from Wrath of the Lich King, Burning Crusade, Classic, etc. Because those mounts NEVER were 100% drop rates for the entire raid at any one point in time.

Ya, IDK. When I finally get something to drop, my brain gets a dopamine hit.

From playing FFXIV and getting that last totem for that low drop rate mount gives me the same dopamine rush as if it dropped and I won the roll… just saying :slight_smile:

Yes, I just looked that up because I thought it was as well.

Prior to patch 4.0.3a this mount was a guaranteed drop.

So are you claiming they only want two mounts in the game and that’s it ?

The rules should be the same for everyone. If they even brought in a token system for mounts it should never touch past content anyway.

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