Yearly Weather Patterns in Stormwind?

Yesterday in Stormwind, I walked out of the Mage Tower to see this beauty:

I let my subscription lapse shortly after the 9.1.5 update, so I didn’t even know that Blizzard had added new weather effects to Stormwind. It honestly left me in awe for a bit – I thought it was so beautiful.

Which got me thinking. How cool would it be if zones like Stormwind had yearly weather patterns, just like places on Earth? What if in the winter, it got foggy quite often, and then in the spring, storms rolled in almost every day? It’s such a simple thing, but it would add so much realism to the game.

I’ve always appreciated how it seems to rain much more in Boralus and Tiragarde Sound than anywhere else. It’s a small touch that really drives home the rainy and humid climate of the land. It’s amazing how such a thing can make so much of a difference.

If something like that came to Stormwind? Heck yeah! Especially because we know from lore that the city got its name from the frequent storms that would roll in from the sea.

Blizzard, if you want to make storms and fog more common in Stormwind, then I’m all for it! And yearly weather patterns are like a long-term dream for me.

This has been your daily conversation about the weather. Now back to your regularly-scheduled programming.


Only thing is, sometimes when it’s nearly 100 degrees outside I want snow. It’s why I spent so much time in AB Blizzard last week. Queue up, crank the AC down, and it felt like winter :snowman_with_snow:


That’s definitely not typical at all. Seems rather ominous. I wonder if this has some sort of meaning or portent to it.

I was thinking about this. If you can get rid of the cloud cover you can still see the Titan star up in the sky that appeared at the end of the legion storyline.

Hahaha, fair point! Maybe we’d need the weather to be the opposite of whatever’s happening in the Northern Hemisphere. :stuck_out_tongue:

As far as I’m aware, there’s no meaning behind it – it’s just a benign weather update. A really good one at that, considering Stormwind is canonically a very stormy place.

It all seems strange to me. I was in Stormwind a bit ago and saw no cloud cover, but the Titan Star was still there.

The weather pattern in Ironforge and Black Rock Mountain is all I really care about.

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Aye! Doesn’t matter what tha weather’s doin’ on Azeroth. It’s always tha perfect time fer a tankard of dwarven stout in Ironforge!

For Ironforge!

For the Alliance!


Amen! Hahahahaha! :beers:

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