While I don’t think he deserved redemption, he certainly deserved it over Sylvanas. Her story was straight up garbage, and everything she did was irredeemable. Arthas was corrupted. She was somehow a secret hero doing atrocious things willingly lol
As a DK player and only care about DK stuff
I was actually sorta excited for SL based off the fact alone that DKs would be story relevant for the first time since that one quest hub in western plaguelands
And all we did was show up, die a bunch in the intro, and then make portals
Very disappointed
Well, I agree with that.
This is essentially what I’m saying. Whoever initially drew that up should have asked themselves why.
I’m just gonna say it, the afterlife wasn’t as cool as they thought it’d be.
Tears of a clown. Good song.
Not to mention Bolvar getting straight up clowned in the intro lol
This is a pretty obscure unless you are in a certain demographic.
Is Arthas more famous than Illidan?
Thrall is probably as famous as Arthas too.
Besides that, yeah they have a tendency to destroy good characters and good stories.
I’d say so, yes.
Arthas is recognizable even to people who don’t play any of the games due to Wrath’s successful marketing.
Eeeh… i think it wasn’t really done.
There was ways it could have ended better.
Like arthas being the one to defeat the jailer / free anduin and then pass over. You know what I mean?
We just got a fart cloud that was yelled into nonexistance by sylvanis.
Well I mean, dansur waifu was never gunna lose cuz she just pulls powers out of thin air cuz she’s too strong and important
The fight was cool in the cinematic at least, big wind storms of snow and stuff looked sweet, wish undead did more than be dead at the start of the fight
Yeah, the story has been garbage since legion. The writers are hard carried by the artists and game designers.
Lol I’ll be honest. Kael’thas, vashj, and Illidan being turned into evil loot pinatas alongside anub arak being used for a five man dungeon and again later as the boss of a jousting tournament (with no back up). Kel thuzad was robbed, even though old naxxramas was cool.
Imagine a world(of warcraft) where we could have had warchief kael thas the human hater. Wow’s lore got egregious pretty quickly from warcraft 3 standards.
I’ve said it before, but the overarching plot and story has always been blizzards weakest point and probably always will be because they have to have it be in a way that doesn’t mess with the game too much.
Where they shine though is dramatic moments between characters. Even in SL, the moments between anduin and Sylvanas are good. If you think of wows most iconic moments, it’s usually between two characters in a cutscene. Blizzard knows what they are doing and they are good at what they do.
It was fairly dissapointing how easily Sylvanas beat him and the entire undead army in the SL cinematic. They could have done his story a little better for sure.
I like how Forsaken basically weren’t even acknowledged in SL, only Sylvanas was.
I feel like Forsaken should just ditch Azeroth and go live in Maldraxxus, they’d actually be wanted there.
Especially in House of Plagues.
Maldraxxians are Forsaken, in essence- a dead body with a soul. Only this time, the bodies may not be their own.
They screwed up Sylvanas, now we have Temu Sylvanas as the big-bad.
The thing is we still need a Lich King…so it’s only a matter of time before the whole ordeal returns. The Scourge isnt gone. I believe Blizzard is story telling in a way that doesnt give us all the cool stuff all at once, cause at the end of the day, not all storytelling is going be jaeger-esque.
I don’t see how they could ever bring Bolvar or a Lich King back either. All of the artifacts that gave the Lich King their power have been destroyed.
Well first thats a heck of a thing to carry for 5 years lol
2nd frostmourne was busted in wrath vs SL
I do agree DKs got shafted lore wise in the death xpac which was pretty bad lol
I still say that Arthas not being included was something of a blessing. As silly as the blue fart was, imagine what they would have done to him with a bigger role given the quality of writing in Shadowlands.
Plus Frostmourne was broken ages ago. That’s not even on Shadowlands, and it was fine when it happened in Wrath.