Yeah, this buff to Lightsmith kinda highlighted the mana issues Prot is having

I’ll give you that it will increase survivability even if it’s minor. Although, if people were actually using it every 6 seconds instead of spamming it I wonder how many would still go oom. I guarantee there is some double tapping and overlapping going on if we are talking about min/max.

Eh, I wouldn’t go that far. SoTR still has a very strong impact because we are able to interrupt so much of the spell damage.

True you are definitely right and I would also say that that talent wouldn’t be picked until very high keys anyway. However Just my opinion I don’t think dodge and parry are more important than block simply because you cannot dodge or parry spells and our block can.

Yes for sure it has an impact and I would NEVER say to a tank ignore SotR and use WoG but with a decent amount of haste SotR already has very high uptime, at least if you are tanking properly so at this point its just a matter of using holy power to do damage or do increase survivability.

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Well maybe in low keys were lot of spells are going off, but in mid-high to high keys even uncommunicative groups are using their toolkit which include aoe stops and spell interrupts which makes the spell blocking less effective just because it’s being utilized less. Parry and Dodge means you mitigate 100% of the damage and there are a lot more physical damage than magic with all of our own interrupts including the groups.

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Indeed the environment 100% makes for a very different gameplay and you are also right about parry and dodge but the problem is that it might not happen and I would rather have a lot of mastery (reduces damage and dots on me) And dodge 80% of the damage 50% of the time than go from 100% to 0% if I get really unlucky. Just a difference in opinion though. Also correct me if I’m wrong but I believe the only secondary stat that gives us parry is crit, so its very difficult to stack parry.

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Oh absolutely. Mastery is definitely required and recommended because it boosts pretty much everything important to us. I would never go so far as to suggest crit stacking over mastery.

I was just pointing out the benefits of say DH and Bear tanks that take advantage of high parry and dodge rather than a high reliance on block. It’s been a weak point of shield and board tanking for a long time.

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yea we shouldn’t get in the habit of ever comparing us to other tanks lol. It just goes downhill from there

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Now, if they revamped Block to mitigate a % of the damage it would be so much better. The % block could be a formula based on the ilvl and the mob/boss level. It would prevent so much of the scaling damage issues.

We would be way too strong. I think Blizz always is hesitant in making changes to us because we have such strong crowd control and can help the group while the other tanks dont even come close to that.

I’m no mathematician and I haven’t really looked at how much damage is being blocked vs eaten, but I would assume even if it was 20 or 30% damage mitigated through block it wouldn’t be so overpowered. It would be as if we had our Ardent Defender active for that one hit.

I think it would be very nice if they could make just “Any talent tree” choose between a parry path or a dodge path or shoot, even a stamina path. I would Love to see Blizz incorporate that.

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I tested it out on a target dummy. Using only shining light procs you’ll go oom in just under 2 minutes of constant combat. This was with a haste focused build though.

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Yes now test only casting wog during shake the heavens or when low HP. Voilà you do pretty much the same damage and never oom. Solved!

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How dare you expect people to try and play properly! What is this world coming to?!?!?

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To be fair though it’s disappointing how many talents interact with wog spam / shining light. Such a waste.