Yeah, I'm done

Do you play on an intel chip Mac or one of the new m1 or m2 chips?

Just realized I didn’t actually answer that question. I’m on PC.

Gotcha, no problem.

Got a thread link? I’m curious and it doesn’t appear obvious in the Bug Report Forum upon cursory review.

My internet kept disconnecting last week, made me so mad I almost gave up trolling news sites. I am glad I stuck with it though.

Here you go:

Mine crashes at the loading screen but the error message is the same.

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I don’t know how people have played hunter for the last 10 years. I feel like it’s been gutted for longer than it has been fun.

Remember when hunter was a class where all 3 specs were played optimally at range with one pet? And now zero specs do that lol.

What a mess that class is.

What’s curious is that some can’t log on while others are in-game and executing specific actions on different classes… all tossing 132 which is an access violation. Looking at older threads, their resolution was part removal of old addons and, what you said in the thread didn’t work, replacing the WTF, etc.

Yup. A lot of things are causing this error and apparently there’s no fix yet.

I would have settled for an update or two, but here we are, 15 hours and counting with no clue what’s going on.


132 is very generic and means some addon (theirs or third party) is routing out and returning corrupted.

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High chance it’s theirs then since I tried disabling all of mine and it still wasn’t working.

Thank you for the insight of what could be happening though! Very much appreciated.

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The error message may be the same, but the cause might not be. Many of Blizzard’s error codes are “catch-all” codes (especially the good ol’ “BB8” error code). If you don’t attempt troubleshooting on your end you have exactly zero hope of getting the problem fixed so you can play again.

Except this id happening to a very large number of players in exactly the same way and only since this AM’s maint.

I feel the same sort of, The game just doesnt feel like it use to feel, Idk if ill stop when time ends or when this expansion is done but I do know ill be stopping as well. Ill also be giving all my gold and guild which has all item rewards unlocked but i think most guilds these days have that away as well

I will say this again: when it comes to troubleshooting, do not assume your problem is necessarily the exact same as someone else’s. While it is possible that’s the case, it’s also possible it isn’t. Yelling into the void without doing anything on your end to troubleshoot never gets anywhere. For those whom the problem is the same, a client patch will hopefully fix that. But if for some reason your issue isn’t the same, then Blizzard issuing a patch won’t solve your problem and you’re back to square one and forced to start troubleshooting regardless.

Idk your exact reference, but browsing the bug report, there are quite a few who can’t log in and receive it, while a lot (most?) are in-game and executing an action when it triggers. My money is addon route authentication being the culprit.

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I spent half the day troubleshooting and I’m pretty sure I have done everything short of uninstalling. So sure, I’ll give it a shot. Wish me luck.

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I’m not yelling into the void. I’m not sure why you would charactize this as such, nor is there any overwhelming need to italicize your responses to me.

Fingers crossed it works. Worst case scenario is that it doesn’t, but at least you have a totally fresh set of game files to rule out corrupted files.

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You disable all your addons, delete your WTF folder and all the usual fixes?

Im only not making fun of you because youre a fellow weapon poster and we need to stick together.