[Yazlee] WoW Shuts Down Computer

Pastebin /JjizMyBk I have the same issue, started after purchasing Shadowlands, have had no issues before then. First crashing in the morning (when I purchased) then I used my computer all day with Wow open on the Menu/character creation screen, then a few minutes ago I started doing Island expeditions and the game crashed again.
Edit: I have just completed a Scan and Repair, will see if my PC crashes again

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Hey Yazlee,

These issues often indicate a deeper problem with the hardware of the computer. Have you tried the steps listed here?

Yes, After I scan and repair wow ran fine until just now. No issues were found on scan and repair either.
No new software has been installed, no new hardware either. All drivers have been updated to most recent ( there wasnt any updates but I still checked) Computer is not overheating, cpu is running at max settings in wow at about 60 deg C gpu around 57 deg C. I have also taken my PC apart and put back together just now after that last crash so we will see if it still crashes.
Edit: Just crashed again 10m after this post
Edit2: solutions found in other posts are to reinstall all addons and redownload wow, so I am now trying that, hopefully that may fix it. Just going through my TB steps for anyone that might be reading this later

Hey, Yazlee! When this happens with a specific game, it’s usually related to the drivers. I just wanted to make sure, was a clean reinstall of the video drivers using DDU (display driver uninstaller) performed yet? This should help if one of the updates may not be cooperating with World of WarCraft properly. If you have a Nvidia graphics card, make sure that the hotfix drivers here are applied for the 445.87 drivers.

It sounds like you’re pretty familiar with hardware as well, have you tried a CMOS reset? This isn’t supported by Blizzard, but it can help with stubborn issues. Most modern motherboards will have a battery that can be taken out. Some older ones do need the pins to be jumped, which is a little more risky.

I’m not sure if this was addressed when it occurred, but back in late March there was a hardware malfunction failure bluescreen crash. If this hasn’t been addressed yet, please contact a local technician or system manufacturer for assistance.

Since last post I have been playing other games and now it happened with others, so this is a hardware issue at least for me. Error code is that Kernel-Power “pc shutdown unexpectantly” bull. So yeah not an issue with WoW itself. So Thanks CS but its not a wow issue. :slight_smile:

Thanks for the update, Yazlee! I’m sad to hear that it’s happening with other games now, but hopefully some of the details are still helpful :slight_smile: Best of luck and I hope its something simple!

I would check the Power supply first. Sudden shutdowns are likely either overheating which you seem to have ruled out or a power issue

90% sure it was a cpu issue, MB started not recognising the CPU, I had a spare APU lying around which I have in now. So I am pretty sure the CPU I had just died.

Update to anyone who may view this thread in the future: It was not the CPU issue that may have been a coincidence, same issue is now happening with the APU. Most likely a Mobo or PSU issue. Will update when I have the money to replace either


Glad you’re narrowing this down, and it seems like you’re getting closer. The things you’re thinking of are also where my head’s at given what has and hasn’t worked - though RAM may also be a possible culprit. If you know any PC techs they may be able to test the individual components for you to see if they can narrow it down some.

We can’t give you exact hardware advice now that you’ve narrowed it down to this degree, but I’ll reply back anyway so you can bump it with any other updates or ask some of the other players here for further help if needed.