Yay paladins!

Bruh, warlock literally hard counters paladin

If you’re losing to paladins you either have terrible gear or don’t know how to play warlock

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this but unironically :expressionless: pallies need to be served a big ol’ slice of humble pie.

Welp, I am deep destro for pve right now which I know isn’t optimal for pvp by any means. Just stupid that divine storm pops my sac and with al their instants and HoJ if they get close there is 0 counter play. I’ve never had an issue before in classic, tbc, or wrath beating them but I was also pvp spec.For the reference I mained Mage/Lock since vanilla and know all the tricks of the trade.

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that’s the issue, yes. and lord knows pallies have even more amazing goodies coming 25-60 :roll_eyes:


I don’t agree with this, at all, as a Pally main.

You think era ret pally is S tier

Your opinion on paladin means very little, seems like you just have an ego.

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No, it just is that good. It is just often really poorly played.

“no the literal meme spec is definitely S tier, it’s just nobody plays it like me”

You just have an ego

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It is only a “meme” spec in PvE, my dude.

No one thinks Pally is a meme in PvP in era.

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That explains why they almost one shot me through sac :joy:

It is HARDLY even close to S tier, there is not a single premade that would take a ret paladin in place of a holy paladin or pretty much any other proper offensive class unless they didn’t have a better option able to play

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Who cares about premade bgs?

I am talking as a duelist, out in the world, etc. Paladin is def S tier.

Just wait until they can unload a reck bomb and tack on several more instant dmg abilities. Nothing will survive. Nothing

Not even close LOLOLOL

You are quite literally the easiest class to kite in the entire game besides shaman

If your definition of S tier is beating solo warriors or rogues sure, but that’s about it

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I’m sorry youve only seen bad paladins. It doesn’t shock me. Most of them are completely horrible at the game.

But a good paladin is top tier in era.

Bro, you’re literally the epitome of the meme spec player with an ego that thinks they’re better than they are

“Everyone else just can’t play it like me, I’m just built different”

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Im not talking about just me. There are plenty of really good Paladins. Look up Drakova, Holysaxyboy, etc.

Sure they are easy to kite if I’m running away the entire time casting instant dots. God forbid I cast something with a cast time though I’m screwed. We also don’t have CoE yet which doesn’t help.

They aren’t easy to kite either. Not good ones.

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