Yay paladins!

I am good friends with players who are insanely good at paladin that are not surprised at all the shield was fixed.

You should be concerned that you as a player were leaning on an actual in game bug to win any fights.

Maybe you need to go back to the gym.

Did it? Then it would be working like any other player daze, as the tooltip said.

But it wasnt. And blizzard obviously recognizes that and fixed it. Your opinion on the matter is entirely irrleevant.

Ah yes, ā€œIā€™m friends with soandsoā€

As Iā€™ve said before, Iā€™ve placed top 100 (was actually in the top 50 and lower) in ranked seasons in another popular game that plays almost exactly the same, so I feel pretty qualified to make the statements I have. There was nothing about it that was too much considering the capabilities of the class and other classes. Paladin still had bad matchups against the very same classes it essentially needs Avengerā€™s shield to fight

So because you are good at a game that is not wow has nothing to do with everyone, including blizzard, recognizing it was not working as intended. Now it is. And guess what? It still slows players.
Being good at some other game does not qualify you to justify an in game bug of a completely different game.

Im glad I caught this. I was wondering why you were just on here rambling for personal attention.

Ignored. Enjoy your bug fix

They should make a new rune just for you.
Blessing of Projection


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Key wordā€¦ PROPERLY

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Youā€™re all mad you canā€™t bully pallies anymore.

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Then my question as to whether you actually PvP in BGs has been answered.

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Ive done plenty of BGs lol im r3 on all 3 of my dudes and working on my 4th now. Relax lol

And Iā€™m sure youā€™ve seen plenty of paladins bubble hearthing in BGs.

Paladins just got slapped with that Avengerā€™s Shield change.

Whoā€™s next on the chopping block?

Druid? Priest?

Lol. Ret paladin was always OP at this lvl. But we age like milk. Give it a phase or 2 and the major design issues with ret with quickly catch up.

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Iā€™m convinced the only reason priests have dodged the nerf bat is because blizz is worried the casual pvers will not be able to clear BFD if they nerf priest healing

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Priest was the first character I maxed, and I was baffled by how easy Mending and Penance made healing.

We get Repentance at 40. Itā€™s a big ability for PvP thatā€™s missing right now.

On Era, a T2 geared Ret with Storm Gauntlets and a good 2h weapon can kill Naxx-geared players without relying on Reckbomb meme.

You said that on the other post 2. Rep is not gonna cut it at all. Even the full engi package ainā€™t gonna resolve the ret problems.

Ret is great if:
The enemy agrees to not to move at all and stand there and fight like a man. That case we destroy them.

Ret is horrible if:
The enemy decides to run away, purge, kite, mana burn, sheep and etc

On conclusion ret is so OP against enemies with low skill, but ppl with a basic understanding of the game can easily deal with ret.

So you call reckbomb a meme in the same post you talk about deep ret with storm gauntlets wearing a t2 for some reason lolā€¦

We have Repentance, HoJ, Blessing of Freedom. Twisting SoC/SoR together while wearing Storm Gauntlets allows one to consistently kill enemies in short windows. Not to mention we have a ranged execute with HoW.

I barely need to use Engi equipment as is, thatā€™s more icing on the cake.

I was using that as an example that a paladin who isnā€™t necessarily the best geared, but having at least Storm Gauntlets + a decent 2h can consistently kill Naxx-geared players if played well.

Reckbomb is a meme, no way around it.

Gratz on listing your spellbook.

Against bad players - sure. You can get away even having a t2 with 10% melee crit in total (thx to conviction) in a spec that HEAVILY relies on crit for vengeance to even matter.