Y'all Notice They have a Blizz Tracker but not a Dev Tracker

It’s like, the devs don’t come to the forums to talk or engage in a conversation with us.


I can’t say that I blame them, with all the irrational histrionics that occur whenever one of them posts something.


Probably because they contradict themselves and make needless changes no one asked for? Recent examples include:

  • Removing spells from classes going into BfA
  • Guild Permissions
  • Guild UI
  • Zandalari not being able to be Warlocks when clearly proven lorewise they are warlocks
    - But they won’t talk about it because the Developers want to bend lore to push their stuff.

Not that hard to create things both sides want if they communicated more and actually made things people want.


If I was a dev I’d sooner hang myself than try to interact with this community.


When was the last time a developer talked to us exactly?

Oh that’s a easy one. When Ion came on the forums and explained scaling back in August.

Given how the one that did on twitter told the guy to uninstall the game if he didn’t like it,i concur.

Isn’t that what flagging is for?

I’m confused…if a dev came to the forum, they would show up in the Blizz tracker. So it’s not like they are hiding.

Or are you saying we SHOULD have separate trackers?

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HOTS and Overwatch have a separate tab for Blizzard and Dev tracker. I bet the reason we don’t have one, is because the developers don’t come to the forums to engage in a conversation with us. Hell, they don’t really talk to us at all, just drop things and be like, “We made this. You like?”

Then they act surprised why we don’t like a change. It’s not like the forums haven’t been telling you, we don’t like this.


Ion isn’t a dev he’s a game director like Ghost crawler was before him, i don’t even know the names of any of the developers at blizzard, did you mean GM’s (blue posters) because it’s not their job to discuss with us it’s their job to collect data and take it back to the devs so they can do their job of making the game, them taking that data and not acting on all of it does not mean they ignore you, it just means they don’t agree with your ideas you either accept that or take your money elsewhere,assuming thinking logically about your pastimes.

–in b4 i’m a blizz shill–

Last I looked, the devs were Blizz. I guess that means you can keep tabs on their posts using the Blizz tracker, huh?

Ah I gotcha! Could be because of the community being bonkers, so devs probably don’t want to interact with the WoW forum goers haha.

But another thing to keep in mind is the vast scope of WoW development. Overwatch undoubtedly has a much smaller development team that are working on a game with limited systems. WoW is huge and any given system has multiple people working on it. Maybe it would just be harder for any one developer to have a meaningful conversation about anything, because they work on a single part of a single system?

I think dev watercoolers are better suited for a game as massive as WoW. But that’s just me :slight_smile:

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You’re not understanding the main issue of this thread.

If you take Overwatch, and I’m using Overwatch as an example as that’s where 80% of my post count came from before dropping that game and switching to WoW. Jeff isn’t a developer either but he’s the Game Director. Yet, he still comes to the forums and communicates with the community and engages in some discussions of balance.

Here’ a snip of what I’m looking at: I can’t link things in posts on the new forums. That’s freaking stupid.

You don’t have to always address every conversation but the main ones, that have been going on for a while, should be addressed. The few times they do comment, is showing by them not having their own unique tab.

That’s what I’m saying. They don’t come to the forums to communicate to us. They just drop things and act surprised when we don’t like it.

EDIT: Takes quite a bit for me to call someone a Blizzard Shill and I’ve only done so 4 times now.

This is a little off topic but going with this, so it’s too hard for Blizzard to come say, “This is on our radar. We’re aware of it but we can’t get to it now.

All I’m saying is, there’s probably not a Dev tracker because they don’t come to the forums to talk to us.

Have you seen GD? Even if Blizzard tries to make everyone happy, they will fail. They introduce changes that people wanted. I guarentee they’d rage over those too.

But Devs are blizzard employees…

Devs post with blue text too. If a dev does post something it will appear in the blizz tracker.

Ever since Ghostcrawler though I think they decided that devs shouldn’t post on the forums and only the community team should be allowed to do that.

Ghost crawler, and the Real-id fiasco where one of their GM’s had pizza sent to their house among other things occur, it was a clear indication that people online, especially wow fanatics are insane.

Found this reply from one of our Customer Support forum agents.

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