Y'all need to show some faith

True. and Irksome as hell. But I can still respect my leader.

My DK’s get…mr stunlock himself, Bolvar. The DK who can’t even grip a healer.

the one thing we have to do. Other melee do everything else better. Gripping the healers…that is a dk’s money maker.

Illidan is going come back and give us a call backline “You are not prepared” then delete himself as Garrosh did. I’M CALLING IT NOW

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I’d take that over blue fart goodbye.

Death is better in this story. It preserves the character before its ruined.

Garrosh…died like a champ. Hell yeah I did it. they can’t hurt him any more.

BFA killed any respect I had for Liadrin. Her character story assassinated. In cold blood for this narrative. she still lives…for the writers to damage her even more.

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:red_circle: This is garrosh’s soul. He was the best character in Shadowlands.

He’s gone now.

No, Shadowlands was terrible and he thought the GOT ending was “brilliant”

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Yeah, just a little faith



You’re not my real dad! You can’t tell me what to do!

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it literally wasnt even that bad compared to today

Yeah… No.

Danusers hand was in the past 2 expansions, and I didn’t like the lore of either.


I give him a pass on BFA that could have been Afrasiab doing. But once Afrasiabi left he should have put out the fires and shown off his writing “skils” which he failed to do so.

We could have been in Tahiti selling mangoes but the gang didn’t show any faith in me.

Don’t be like my gang…don’t be like Arthur

Danuser can come up with an epic storyline that totally makes everyone speechless

But for that people of GD must show some


“Faith is when people believe in something that nobody in their right mind would believe in.” – Archie Bunker

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It would be disingenuous to show what I don’t have. I have faith in their ability to make good dungeons and raids, that’s what I want and that’s why I’m here.

Lol, no. This guy couldn’t even write a proper shopping list.
I don’t care if Sylvanas maybe, just maybe, wasn’t his story. The way he told all this stuff is totally his fault and I don’t see the next expansion having a decent story. I suspect it might even go further downhill. The more Danuser had his hands in the story, the worse it has gotten.

Have your u read the new fairytale book with the rule 63 story in it?


The only faith people have is that the Warcraft story will be bad.

Until some serious changes happen like Sylvanas being killed off or a different writer steps in more of the lore will be crushed for more half baked, fanfiction level of ideas.

Do explain if you would, I haven’t. I refused to support Steve transmedia storytelling agenda.

A story they tell children in Lordaeron about Uther going through a portal from a puddle of water he falls into. It’s to an alternate reality where there’s a female Arthas he saves and they get all close.

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Yes. That’s how bad it’s gotten.

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