Yall need to chill in these normal dungeons

If you don’t have the DPS, these big pulls are brutal.

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The don’t complain if you can’t take the heat.

it’s almost like you didn’t bother to read anything else I said in this post. as i’ve stated, doing big pulls is doable for most healers but these are normal leveling dungeons. so when a tank gets pissy because they all wiped from pulling rverything and the boss is it the low leveled low ileveled healer or the tank or didn’t even wait for the healer to be phased in and ran ahead pulled to the boss and got everyone else killed? hmm the world may never know


What :scream: the WoW community has been mentally conditioned to be awful towards people when dungeons are new.

This is why the game needs to move towards total solo play.

See the replies below me. Why does Blizzard foster such an awful community?


Just means its even easier to do big pulls.

Community really into these normal dungeons huh?

Thread is on fire…I don’t know what game this is anymore, it’s supposed to be Warcraft.


Sorry, but that went under the bridge like 15 years ago.

and yet it feels like a daycare center having to accommodate all these infants.

Rarely will you see people in this game care. OP.

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you chose to comment here. nobody’s forcing you. so go watch your own kids and move on


The weekend is upon us, you know what’s up.

When the mods are away, the trolls will play.


it’s just a phase. these normals/heroics arent a good representation of the experience.
it all settles for m+ where it actually matters and core principles have to be followed.

normals/heroics are so easy nobody feels like they have to respect anything.

tbh, starting to feel like OP just needed to vent. There isn’t really any answer anyone can give them besides the follower dungeon thing. It’s unfortunate that its not perfect for their situation but it’s the only solution we have right now. We can’t just force other players to slow down, and the people they encounter probably won’t show up or even care if they did happen to. So idk. It’s an understandable frustration though I myself made a thread about it a long time back so I’m grateful that they atleast tried by adding follower dungeons as a potential solution.


No, it sounds like you’re not doing enough. PUGS are under no obligation to play the way you want, and if the rest of the group wants to go fast then democracy wins. Don’t like it, you can join a guild and make self-made groups of like-minded people to play with.

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I mean, my points still stand. Fast is normal in leveling dungeons.

If the tank died, that’s just the tank being cringe. If you can’t solo in normals as a tank it’s just a skill issue.

Because I have no desire to spend 30 minutes in faceroll content

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Just let the adrenaline junky, basement dwelling, game runners have inferiority issues while they obsess over the game and everything within.

When 20 years pass and they realize they spent their whole life gaming while their friends actually went out and partied and had real fun, Karma will get them. Same for when their pet dies or family members die and all they have are old memories because the game is so much more important and they kick themselves for not appreciating it.

Just think how your whole life revolves around warcraft that you likely die playing it because your life has no meaning and you are instead addicted to the chemicals in your brain for functionality.

Imagine being banned and realizing you are so addicted that you cant sleep, eat, or live without the game and try to appeal to have the ban removed that you cry in words, make threats, scream, throw swear words, break stuff, make death threats, comment about worthless the GMs are, seek out the players who banned you to wish death and suffering on them, try to interrupt the server, think about kidnapping the GMs and holding them hostage to get your account back and all your achieves, going to the location where warcraft is run and doing all this again in person.

Then try to act like your better without the game and lie to yourself suffering further.

I went through this when playing Aion and then i grew up and got over it. Then i got into warcraft and played on an RP server and cared more about my story and not trying to be the best geared nobody.

I started walking around and actually appreciated wow for it artistic value, the lands. And i started roleplaying making a story for myself and doing so with others not rushing anything.

Just think those that obsess are the ones who cant afford wow so they make gold profits and have to farm gold every day to play for free.


oh yeah I admitted it was the salt in my op. I have no delusions on that. as i’ve stated follower dungeons are really an impossible way to learn. you’re not really healing in there, but at the polar opposite end of that you have the spazzed out crack head tanks pulling wall to wall and then will flip out when you wipe. like bruv, im level 73 with 450 ilevel please. I am trying lol


tbh its less democracy and usually one person doing it most often the tank. but sometimes it can be the dps. And everyone else just kinda doesn’t want to beef and just chill and play so they go along with the one doing it. Sometimes I see a votekick happen for it in the past though but its usually when its the DPS doing it and not the tank.

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Part of being a good tank is managing how much the healer can heal. If people die because of a big pull it is not your fault it is the tank’s. If you can heal it, then the tank is doing it right.

Roll with it and understand if the tank overpulls, it is the same issue you’re having with healing.