Yall asked for it

Dont wana hear all the whining and complaining when the enhancement rotation goes from like 28 important buttons down to about 3 maybe 4 buttons come patch day. Been messin around on the PTR and god… it feels like im playin my Frost DK (a 3 button rotation). It makes pretty numbers appear but man, its gona turn all the enhancers into smooth brainers. Yall asked for it…

Why’s it goinna be 3 button brain off gameplay? To me it looks like my build stays the same, but I get resets on Sundering, and flame shock becomes a builder sometimes.

Only thing I lose is that Ice Strike isn’t goinna be its own keybind.

And actually, if WoWhead is accurate, I keep Ice Strike too. So I only gain things from the patch.


The hyperbole is strong with this one. At a minimum you’ll be using Stormstrike, Crash lightning, flame shock, doom winds, frost shock/Ice Strike, feral spirit, Lightning Bolt, and Chain Lightning. That’s 8 if you’re building with reducing buttons in mind. If you’re not you can toss in Primordial wave, Ascendance, Sundering, and maybe lava lash if sims show it’s better than other options. Let’s call it 10, which is still more that a lot of other classes/specs and that’s the “easy” rotation.

So what exactly is your 3 maybe 4 buttons? Stormstrike, lightning bolt, chain lightning are bare minimum so what’s the 4th? Got some testing comparisons that prove the 3 maybe 4 button rotation is our top damage?

Tackling the other side of “28 important buttons”, that isn’t even remotely true. Elementalist rotation has ~12-14 buttons, so half of your claim. Elementalist isn’t really changing except the choice to make Ice strike passive if you want. We do have plenty of other important buttons, but those aren’t changing, so far, in the next patch. That means that all those important utility buttons would still apply to the new build, so 8+14 would be 22. You’re also comparing elementalist, which has the most buttons to storm which has the least. Storms number of buttons really isn’t going down, in fact depending how you build it can go up.

So no, enhance isn’t going down to a 3-4 button rotation and there really isn’t any other major pruning besides Ice strike, but you can still take that. If you thought it was bloated before then you’ll think it still is. It sounds to me like you either just discovered Storm build or left half the rotation buttons off your bar and decided that was as good as Enhancement could get. If the latter is true let me introduce the 1 button rotation where you just spam Stormstrike and auto attack! Nothing could possibly beat it!


I’ve known toddlers that are less emotional than this post.

They made ice strike into a proc. And then even gave you the option to still have it be active still if you want.


They should double Stormstrike’s damage.


Im going to need you to explain this because from what i see the only change is having the option of 1 less button with ice strike baked into frost shock.

So really its 28 important buttons down to 27 important buttons. But thats not as click baity is it bud

In the last build I saw I think Stormstrike was given a second charge, which is kinda what you asking for if you tilt your head and squint.

Well I suppose I can break it down a bit further for you. I just assume that people that play/main enhance are smarter than most. My bad. So lets start with 2 charges of Stormstrike (which I 100% love), we were already proccing maelstrom left and right b4 getting a 2nd charge. Most people especially in PVP due to lightning shield giving us maelstrom when being hit gave us enough (8+ stacks) to spend roughly every 3-4 GCDS. I don’t raid, and I only dungeon crawl very seldom when the wife wants, so I can only assume the Lightning Shield procs are far less impactful. So lets give pve’rs a full 10 stack of maelstrom every 4-5 GCDs in the current state, or it might be less cuz of all the raid buffs/pots/flasks and what not yall do. So for arguments sake lets say your hitting your 1 maelstrom spender every 3 gcds.

So the current rotation to this point is your gap closer being Flameshock/Frost shock > Stormstrike > TBD >TBD > TBD > Maelstrom spender> TBD > TBD >Stormstrike> TBD > Maelstrom spender… Now depending on your build, (My Self) I’m a bit of a weirdo and use an unconventional button push build. I like it, it flows for me, and it works for me that includes Doom winds, lava lash down to Ashen Catalyst, Ice Strike, Crash Lightning, and Spirits. With this build I play Totemic, never much cared for Stormbringer for pvp. With Totemic you get nifty things like shields, super windfurys, and the ability to never get sap capt ever or let anyone else cap whatever node you are at unless you die because Surging Totem wont allow anything to cap when down. So now with that said my personal rotation looks like this. Gap closer Flameshock/Frost shock > Surging Totem> Feral Spirits> Sundering (cuz its an atomic bomb now with Earth Surge and Whirling Elements) > Crash Lightning (to impower my SS, LL, and IS as well as proccing lots of other things) > Lava Lash to spread aids > StormStrike > Ice Strike ( which then buffs my FS+Hailstorm) > Maelstrom Spender > Frost Shock (Frost Shock is our most over all dmg cuz its friggin nutzz stacking the modifiers: Ice strike buff, hailstorm, Legacy of frost witch). So that right there is my current rotation it a 24 second rotation based on Surging Totems Cool down, OHHH… also forgot to metion Totemic Projection cuz your gona have to move ur Surging Totem around for it to be useful.

That alone not includeing various procs and situational abilities like Doom Winds, Heroism, totems other than Surging, walls, and so on and so forth is an 11 Button DPS rotation 12 including Totemic projection every 10 secs to reposition your surging totem. I think Elementalist might have 13 buttons + Totemic projection with the use of primordial wave and Elemental Blast.

So with the current build (with my talent choices to do just DPS) that is 12 separate buttons in 24 seconds that I have to push multiple times and various frequences due to procs consistently right…

Fast-forward to 11.0.5

(With my testing) (a few days worth of target dummy hitting and delv bashing)

Keeping in mind that I will be swapping to Stormbringer (Unfortunately unless ima base sitter) there will only be a total of 5 buttons to push in that same 24 second time frame. Now I’ll explain. Gap Closer(1 button pre dps rotation) Crashlightning> Stormstrike> Stormstrike> Frostshock/Ice strike (is now 1 button), Maelstrom Spender, Flame Shock when Voltanic Blaze procs and thats it… smooth brain stuff. Ice strike can and now is passive. The passive version procs more times than once per 15 secs which is the CD of Ice Strike so those that say don’t take the procd version are well (smooth). Same with Feral Spirits. The 4% hit to maelstrom gen is not even noticeable, in fact I cant imagine maelstrom procing any more than it already does. Within 24 seconds you got like 5 wolfs surrounding you just polluting the screen with more friggin summoned things like dks, lock, and hunters.

With the added bonus of 2x Stormstrike, Deeply Rooted elements is procing like crazy so a lot of the time you don’t even gota push your maelstrom spender button cuz it does it for you. So now that just leaves us with the whole (well if you want more buttons to push play Totemic cuz that’s 2 extra right there) Well with the rework jank they did with sundering and whirling elements its no longer useful to put in as a dps spender. It will now be a 40 second aoe button/incompasitate now. With Stormbringer getting a 3% flat dmg reduction with ur lightning shield, its almost on par with the shield you get from Totemics Wind Barrier more so going into dampening. The Molten Thunder talent from totemic very rarely procs, I would go a full delv and not have it poc. Hardly ever noticed it proc on dummies. If they buffed the proc chance on that talent by like 300% then maybe I’d go back to Totemic and then that would add 3 buttons making a total of 8 abilities you need to manage properly in that 24 second period which I think would be a good number. That is still way more than my DK, Survi hunter (which I think has the perfect button bloat, it might be around the 7-8 button area), and fury war which on a good day is spammin 2 buttons, 3 if you have down time.

I hope this overly worded memoir further breaks it down for the casual/fotm enhancers… cuz us old schoolers already know.

I personally think that the 2x Stormstrike charge and mobility change were the only thing needed. Well and to tweek the pvp dps numbers a bit.

Side note: to those thinking that the “mobility changes” to stormbringer are gona help, guess again. Its jst a flat speed buff, unless a (freedom or disengage) type snare remover is baked it, which currently its not, your still gona be slow AF everywhere no matter how many times it procs. Giving Feral lunge 2 charges while making Spirit Walk a baseline ability would of been way better and probably easier to do.

I was excited to see ur reasoning but was let down, great explanation tho ver detailed.

The problem is ur comparing a totemic build with a stormbringers. Totemic build will always have alot of buttons and the current stormbringers build has like 6.

So again if ur playing stormbringers ur going from 6 buttons to 5

And if ur playing totemic and stay playing totemic ur going from 12 to 11.

All im seeing is one button less from frost shock/ice strike.

If im missing something plz let me know.

I suppose the issue really is the GCD. In the current build of stormbringer, all your doin is mashing SS, maelstrom spender at 8+ stacks, Frost shock, crash light, and maybe some flame shock mixed in on procs… Dont really consider a 40 second CD Sunder really a rotational ability, and wolfs you dont cast anymore, and as of this moment (might be buggy who knows) you only cast about half your maelstrom spenders cuz deeply rooted ele procs ALOT.

So as far for me and I’m assuming half of the various talent built choices that aren’t already straight SS/WF/Maelstrom spender builds your loosing Ice Strike, Sundering, Wolfs, and half of your LB/CL casts totemic aside.

In its current state (which has a good flow and very low button bloat) between SS, Frost Shock and maelstrom procs you rarely have a free GCD to even want to to push anything else. It honestly feels like a fury war spamming Bloodthirst> Raging Blow> Rampage waiting for execute procs.

If that is what the REAL ENHNCEMENT community wants then you got it. (Clapty Clap Clap)

Now is when you say you can do a different build of enhance right… well you cant… Right now in its current live form you can practically spec any which way you want and its somewhat viable. I have tried alot of variations of 11.0.5 Beta Enhance. This build is the only build that feels viable right now… 3-4 button spamming that you dont have to try to micro manage procs or multiplier.

There is no world right now or reason to spec into Lava Lash and the things that go with it. I don’t know… I guess everyone will jst have to try it for themselves when it comes out or spend 30 seconds DL the beta and copy a char over and hitting dummies/delvs. For someone that has been enhance and only enhance since ally got em back in TBC the 11.0.5 version feels the worst its been ever cept mabe legion enhance.

Ohhh interesting i forgot wolf is another one going passive nice,

Ive played enhance since cata and tbh i loved the legion one, especially in season 1 with the big heals.

Are you talking pvp wise or pve wise? In pve i do like playing totemic and having a big rotation feels better but in pvp i wouldnt mind a fury like build.

A little of both but mostly PVP… I personally main enhance because of the somewhat intricate rotations its always had. Back in the day it was totem management, now its ability cool down management. They’ve already wiped most of our totems, and the ones we still have got weird cool downs and are purely situational. If they brought back that totem thingy i forget the name of it where it would drop multiple totems at once would be cool. Surging totem and healing stream have the same exact cool down and their both totems you would basically keep out all the time. Duno jst feels weird. Maybe in time I’ll grow to like it lol.

choice node exists for original (non-terrible) version

SS isn’t even the trigger for DRE anymore, idk what you’re talking about

I’m quite up there for enh and all i see is you finding the difference between storm and elementalist build which is a split that existed far before 11.0.5

This is also wrong, you’re sending below 8

I can see this is mostly PvP related so I’ll just roll my eyes and move on though

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I’m a delve player so my build isn’t changing too much. Because Lava Lash and Flame shock are still apart of my spread cleave dps.

That does suck that the changes are affecting your play style so much.