Yall are teh awesome

just droppin sum loves for the peeps here cause even tho our lil hardware forum is small compared to other places, yall are for sure brainy mofos n know ur stuff. i love dis lil forum.

3 piggeh salute for yall :saluting_face:
:pig2: :pig2: :pig2:


Strangely enough, there isn’t a great place to talk about hardware for playing wow anymore. I used to frequent mmo-champion’s hardware forum, but that’s gone dead. This little community is the best one left that I know about.

:point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2:

TPU used to have WoW as part of their game suite but they stopped using it as blizzard would release new patches after they ran their CPU/GPU new release tests and would often have to re-run benchmarks last minute so they withdrew the game. The fact is most modern gaming focused CPU & GPU hardware is really an overkill for much of WoW unless you are running at the highest resolution with Ultra settings & RT. I also still see people confusing “up stream” issues with CPU performance.

i used to post on LTT forums but place is really irritating sometimes. People have levels of angumentonium off the charts, for the sake of arguing. You could be agreeing with someone to the actual practical effect of something, but they’ll argue with you on semantics, little details that overall mean nothing, just to be “right”

it’s like bro, even if you’re right (you aren’t btw) does it change the outcome of your position? No? Then ffs dude, chill tf out and leave it alone

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I used to post on Toms a long time ago but stopped well over a decade ago. Too many forum members who just built their first PC coming into the forums and defending their chosen brand in scorched earth comments. LTT forums always reminded me of those Toms forums. I used to post on JG, Techreport, and HardOCP but the former are gone and the latter is dead. I mostly post on TPU and occasionally techspot.


There is a few of us around here who will give you quite good advice. I can’t speak for the others but I don’t plan on going anywhere anytime soon and my year-long sub just renewed also

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what ever happened to “You” and Aribeth?

Don’t know anything about “You”

I’m guessing the other one may have quit the game therefore no longer have a reason to visit the forums

it’s been years since I’ve seen either one

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PC hardware topics are just one of those things that once you get the info you need, it’s pretty much a quiet place until the next gen of components, unless you have something cool you want to share.

Though, this subforum is meant to be a combination of hardware AND general gaming talk overall. Sadly, we only talk about hardware builds for WoW, while gaming talk here mostly consists of bashing other MMOs. Other games get only a few replies at best, zero at worst.

I’ve been replaying old Resident Evil games on steam lately. Presently going through RE:0

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I can answer hardware questions for other games. :grinning: I play on a 4k OLED gaming rig and play all sorts of AAA titles also. I have also been building computers since the 90s

Have to do something indoors while its 14F outside :cold_face: Im Just glad its just cold atm and not snowing too :sunglasses:


Well said frennn!

I appreciate all the helpful info you’ve provided over the years. It also helped me make some informed decisions when I upgraded during Covid. :sparkling_heart:

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what’s weird is Blizzard does not have a hardware forum section for Diablo IV. You can certainly make a case to discuss how that game engine loads textures in various GPUs.

A lot of times in hardware forums you get answers of “just get the flagship parts” which is an easy solution if one is willing to (or has) the budget but I personally enjoy discussions on how the application itself works across various hardware and what are the benefits you get for each peace of better performing PC parts vs their cost.


for wow the biggest upgrade is a 2nd display so you can watch youtube while you do the mind numbingly boring stuff that you have to do, like delves

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i just watch the football games on my second monitor


ok so after this discussion I went to LTT to see if it would keep happening.

And of course, it did.

I’m Mr. Woof.


Dude arguing semantics

Point is, 3080 can’t do nvidia based frame gen. Does it really matter what I called it?

I suppose there’s a reason I have almost double the rate of “solution” points as that guy. No freakin’ point to these posts other than to be contrarian.

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Well, the next gen of GPUs is coming up soon.

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