Yakboy and girl race

NEW yakboy race to battle taurens -

We already got Highmountain Tauren, Taunka can wait. Let’s get a race that’s not so similar to existing races for a change of pace pls. :slight_smile:

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someone said we need blue yak people to me in another chat - so i posted this

Why do you say things like this? This is why we cant have nice things! You do know fox pee doesnt come out ever?!

Oh goodie the Felleynd squad is back.
(Felleynd and Ivalton are the same person)


You mean the yaungol?

Not possible. These days, “new races” just boil down to either…

  • Human derivative
  • Newly-discovered Elf
  • “What if this irl animal could talk…”

I mean everything else has been done.

  • Broken dranei/lost ones
  • Ethereals
  • Naga

All these races are conceptually interesting and don’t just copy the design of an IRL animal or “savage human.” You’ll have a hard time convincing me that someone with genuine creativity can’t just make more of these.

I’ll give you the Broken and Ethereals but Naga would be kind of hard to pull off, lower body being a snake an all. Be difficult to mount up.

Yeah I’d put them on ignore but I’m also intrigued by what type of nonsense they’d come up with next.

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We’re living in an age of WoW where new races aren’t even guaranteed to have full mog capabilities. You could solve the naga “problem” by making a new type of mount that specifically caters to the naga rig and then limiting them to those mounts, giving them a new humanoid form specifically for mounting, or just… have their tails coil around the mount they’re trying to ride.

so you want naga

Only if yaks smash!



Like Dragon-people or something for once.

yes you wou7ld look like that