Y I K E S is a long standing raid guild, with a focus on clearing content & improving every week in a comfortable atmosphere. We have an excellent community we plan on bringing forward into TBC.
15/15 Naxx
Wed/Thur 8-11pm ST
Optional - Sunday 8-11pm ST - YIKES hosted BWL SR PUG
Loot System:
Proprietary Loot List
Loot list allows raiders to choose which pieces of gear are most important to them using a ranking system. All loot and character information is tracked and updated daily on a publicly available spreadsheet.
Recruiting Priority as of 4/14/2021: Recruitment Closed
Mages - Closed
Warlocks - Closed
Priest - Closed
Shamans - Closed
Druids - Closed
Hunters - Closed
Rogues - Closed
Warriors - Closed
Contact for more details. Thank you!
Discord: Fujin#9044
Btag: Fujin#1828
In-game: Fujinn // Beveragebot