As title states: When I cast Xuen, and he runs his duration and despawns, WoW freezes for about 20 seconds. This happens with both 2min Xuen and RNG Xuen procs.
Anyone else having this issue? May be related to an addon, so just trying to figure out if anyone else has to deal with it
add me to this list. Xuen is crashing my system repeatedly at the end of the animation. Microstutters all the way up to terrible freezes of up to 10-15 seconds. sometimes hitting alt tab helped “snap out of it” but absolutely game breaking in a raid. have yet to find a setting to remedy it.
Game ran brilliantly at even max settings before 10.1
yeah exact same issue with me on an AMD gfx card as well buddy.
i was wondering what was causing it, but after testing it is when xuen despawns. quite literally unplayable if queueing arena, that 10 seconds of lag will just kill you