Xuen castsequence macro

BRO you’re a genius, thank you!

Altered to include clones:

/cast Storm, Earth, and Fire
/cast [nopet] Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger
/cast [pet] Weapons of Order

While we’re on the subject of useful macros, I keep forgetting to make my pot in arena:

#showtooltip Corrupted Fire Hawk
/cast Summon Steward
/use Corrupted Fire Hawk

Kitty attack main target:

/cast Tiger Palm


I love you.

hell yeah ty

Thats crazy . What else is involved in your burst??

This was very helpful thanks!

this guyu is a god

heres mine

/cast [nopet] Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger
/cast [pet] Weapons of Order
/cast Storm, Earth, and Fire
/use Overcharged Anima Battery

Thanks, worked for me too

I’m guessing it’s probably ideal to cast weapons of order before casting xuen, given that woo buffs xuen and the opposite isnt the case. WoO also lasts longer than xuen, so unless that extra gcd of WoO is particularly strong, it would still be better if they bloody fixed cast sequence :s

In the meantime I’ll use this macro because I’ll be damned if I give up that quality of life for what is hopefully a very small deficit.

Hi All!

I actually wanted to macro in the same button the invoke spell and the Weapons of Order in all spacs. The pet option works for Xuen and Niuzao, but dose not work for Yu-lonor Chi-Ji, fore they are not pets, but guardians.

I didn’t find any options or commands regarding guardians. But i found a solution regarding all spacs:

Use both action bars, almost identical, but by the macro button. And creating 2 macros:

This one is put on the second bar:
/cast Weapons of Order
/swapactionbar 2 1

This one is put in the first bar at the same button:
/cast Invoke Yu’lon, the Jade Serpent
/swapactionbar 2 1

Works the same for the other Invokes. This way the first time you hit the button it castes the Invoke and swap the bar. The second bar has the same button with Weapons of Order and swap back to the first bar, to the next time the CD usage order is the same.

Oh, i think your problem is syntax. Shouldn’t it be a semicolon, not a comma? Some spells have commas in the name, so the programming can get confused.

I always put a #showtooltip when I make a castsequencd to show which spell I will be clicking next

And yes, you can stack GCD spells, you just need to click it twice after the gcd resets.

I currently use a 1 button macro that weaves RJW and chi wave since both cost 0 energy.

#showtooltip /castsequence reset=5.4 (whatever your haste is) rushing jade wind;chi wave

I’m on my phone, not logged in rn, so I can’t confirm.

So why don’t you just switch the order in your macro? I agree with you even tho my order is usually SEF, XUEN, WoO. I think I’m gonna switch to WoO, Xuen, SEF

/cast [nopet] Storm, Earth, and Fire
/castsequence reset=30/shift Weapons of Order(Kyrian), Fist of the White Tiger, Tiger Palm, Rising Sun Kick, Fists of Fury, Whirling Dragon Punch

Works for me!

/cast [nopet] Storm, Earth, and Fire
/castsequence reset=30/shift Weapons of Order(Kyrian), Fist of the White Tiger, Tiger Palm, Rising Sun Kick, Fists of Fury, Whirling Dragon Punch

Works for Me!


i am only seeing one fire off, whatever is second doesnt seem to cast

Genius, searched forever to find this. Thanks fam

This use to work for me, but now it does not.

Is there any way to macro so I pop my SEaF or Serenity last so I get full value of Serenity?

Anyone finding this 2 years later (like I did), here’s what I did today for an opener:
Assumptions: Kyrian, Chi Wave, Fist of the White Tiger, Whirling Dragon Punch

/castsequence [nochanneling,pet] Weapons of Order(Kyrian),Fist of the White Tiger,Tiger Palm,Rising Sun Kick,Fists of Fury,Whirling Dragon Punch,Expel Harm,Chi Wave
/cast [nopet] Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger
/cast [pet] Storm, Earth, and Fire
/use 14

You can just spam it. If you’re playing Dance of Chi-Ji, you need to stop what you’re doing to use Dance of Chi-Ji, but based on what i’ve been reading of guides dealing with spell priorities, this will do everything in order. For some reason the image gets stuck on Fist of the White Tiger, but it continues working as intended. Theoretically, you should have Expel Harm on CD pre-pull to have 1 Chi ready, and open with Chi Wave and Roll together to close the distance before Chi Wave lands, which puts your rotation slightly different, but that feels weird to me, so I just put it on CD at the end of the opening rotation so that they stay synchronized, and you’re not rolling into a boss at the same time a tank is pulling.

In the scenario where you have Expel Harm on CD and open with Chi Wave, you Expel Harm 10 sec before pull (whatever pull timer you use), when you hit 1 sec, use Chi Wave and then roll in (be careful not to beat your tank though, you might get clapped), and then this is your opener:

/castsequence [nochanneling,pet] Weapons of Order(Kyrian),Fist of the White Tiger,Rising Sun Kick,Tiger Palm,Fists of Fury,Whirling Dragon Punch,Expel Harm
/cast [nopet] Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger
/cast [pet] Storm, Earth, and Fire
/use 14

Chi Wave is ready ~5 sec after your opener is done, so you COULD put that on the end, but you’d miss a few useful globals. This puts Chi Wave and Expel Harm on different CD’s which feels weird as well. I use this macro for Roll to facilitate the second macro, since they don’t share CD:

/cast [mod:shift] Chi Wave
/cast Roll

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Thank you!!!