Xrealm raiding

I like most people who want to raid with friends but are blocked behind separate realms is a big hinderance.

Currently you can do the following Xrealm:

LFG-BGS-RBGS-Arenas. These are some pretty corner stones.

But the lack of an ability to do xrealm raiding is a bit of a nuisance on account of you can do literally everything accept Quest in the world and Join raids. Ill be frank and say that some servers have an amazing population to do Xmog runs or even Pug raids while others are just in that area of Unless you are playing at peak hours. Its deader than Tirion Fordring in legion.

Xrealm Raiding as well as Xrealm questing should be enabled. It will not only strength the community to connect and do content, but it will also allow for people to still feel connected in general. I know there can be some major abuse with this. Play on a dead server have someone invite you and get free rare mobs and boost the auction house. But I feel that problem is out weighed by Player stability to do content period.

I hope this gets attention before the player base continues to peeter off before its at its lowest point in 4.3 with dragon soul.

Cross-realm and cross-faction, including trading items and gold, imo. Or just unlimited free transfers.


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Xfaction would be a tough sell. I am by no means opposed to it. But take what we can get yknow?

That’s what we have now. We’re asking for more, so…


I don’t think realm is too much of a hinderance for raiders. If anything faction might be if all the PvErs continue to go to Horde and we just see a repeat of detail’s insane division between the factions for hardcore raiding.

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why do realms exist at all anymore? let all the players share the World of warcraft.

Some of us like server communities, something that used to exist in actual classic but was eroded over time.

Unfortunately nobody cares anymore and just wants to be on teh mega where they can get anything they want on demand without hindrance