In the future we should see expansions that show previous expansions but from the side of the bad guys and they get to win.
Raids would have Alliance and Horde “heros” as the bosses
And the end of the final raid would culminate in the sacking of Dalaran.
Not a big fan of that as an entire expansion concept, but they could go back to Caverns of Time instances that let us replay history and help the “bad guys” win like those have us do sometimes to maintain the timeline.
Those were a fun concept and they shouldn’t have been left behind so quickly.
It’s probably way too much work. It probably would end up being an entirely different game if they did it. But it would still be fun to play as one of Gul’dan’s minions.
The caverns of time instances are fun though, I agree.
Alternatively, they could periodically create raids in the Caverns of Time for “what if…” scenarios
that would scratch the itch and sounds awesome
The thread about assisting Gul’dan through the Tomb of Sargeras would be a cool setting for a Caverns of Time dungeon.
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Maybe, but it could feel a little redundant since we already have two dungeons that go through the Tomb.
They toy around with this idea with the time rift event that shows different versions of Azeroth if history had played out differently. It’s an interesting concept, though I’m not sure basing entire expansions around it would work.
Two? I just know of the Cathedral of Eternal Night. Unless you are counting the Tomb of Sargeras raid as a dungeon, or you meant instance.
If there is anything new for the Caverns of Time, I want War of the Shifting Sands
Yeah, dungeon in the traditional “enclosed area in an RPG” sense.
Ooo, that could be neat too.
Fair enough.
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So… in essence, you want us to return to alternate draenor and fight Yrel’s fanatical paladins?
I wanna see an expac that’s 100% underwater.
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I want an expansion visiting another planet with different gravity.
I just want DF to be over
I just want to see all the other realms of death.
Underwater absolutely. Submarines. We could even have like a Netherstorm, but underwater bubble safe areas

I’d also like to see them break the 4th wall, with our characters becoming aware of the giant aliens controlling their every move.
Branos: “Wait, so you mean… Harrison Jones is…?”
NPC: “Mmmm-hmmmm!”