I’m Transferring tomorrow from PVP server.
Looking for a guild for Social and raiding. I’m almost SSc attuned at part to kill Gruul and Nightbane. Have all Heroics unlocked.
I’m not one to cry over raid spot, sure I’d love to raid but if you need me to sit out I’m ok with that, also not loot obsessed, sure everyone likes an upgrade but I’m there for the experience and fun first and foremost.
I’m Fire spec Mage with plans on possibly going arcane if and when I get the 2 piece T5 bonus.
Mature adult with a sense of humor.
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Hey Raz! If you’re still looking for a guild add me to battle.net please
Hey! Offline would love to have you! We are a casual guild which transferred from a PVP server, so can relate. Add me on Bnet, Tralaxis#1832, or message Magìkarp, Sukonami, Xarxes or Niceperson in game. Hope to see you!
Any particular reason you hopped from a PvP server? I am looking for a fresh start and trying to decide between PvP and PvE. I remember the ganking from years ago and was not sure if it is still bad.
I’ve always been on. PvP server even during original wow and bc. I’m not a raid logger s I like quest and explore and on my old full server it was tank fest, and I’m easy to kill being fire spec
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We’d love to talk to you if you’re free Tuesday/Wednesday 8-11pm server. You can ask any officer to chat, but myself, Alistrra, Myrix, or PeteWilson would be best. Hope to hear from you soon!
Took a spot in offline sorry.
Feels like a good fit