I think Xal’atath knows she isn’t going to corrupt anyone over to her side of importance at this point. I think the true goal is she is studying the heroes and how they overcome challenges set before them. When she finally makes her move to corrupt Azeroth she will reveal evil and sick and twisted villains who use all our previous left behind legendaries and artifacts because she is still upset and hasn’t moved on.
Pretty sure her goal isn’t to corrupt Azeroth, it’s to summon Dimensious so they can devour the world-soul.
I think it’s likely she’s influenced Gallywix. Not because she expects him to beat us, but to keep us distracted while she preps her real big bad.
She was counting on Anduin being the sort to buy feet pics but it turns out he likes big butts and he cannot lie.
She does have Iridikron.
I think her main goal is to be the final boss in a major raid. At this point for her to be a sub boss in Iridikron’s raid would be a big let down.
I don’t really see her having any underlings she can really trust- she’s a very selfish character.
Pretty much admitted outright to the nerubian queen that she was using them, and they didn’t live up to their potential.
I just don’t see her allying with anyone else that is likely to work with her after that.
Except of course Iridikron and others that don’t like the Titans, and would see Azeroth destroyed to that end.
But I don’t think they really trust each other, moreso that a deal has been met and there could be contingency plans for both sides if they don’t see the bargain through, idk something like that.
It is really hard to say if Xal is working for a void lord, or if she’s just trying to empower herself to become one on her own. She did escape thanks to a deal made with N’zoth.
I think her champions that we don’t know about will be revealed. I do think that Gallywix could be one but until the next expansionss we will not know.
Xalatath is calling the sirens, hence Siren Isle and goblins come out. And goblins likes anything shiny, worse than noamm
How would anyone know? It was a one on one conversation where the other party died at the conversations end. Nobody knows what was or wasn’t said.
Eh, I’m almost willing to bet real money that Xal gets revealed to be an anti-hero in the end.
According to PTR she hires Gallywix to fix the Dark Heart only for Ethereals to steal it from him before he can return it to her.
Considering Locus Walker recognizes her when everyone else didn’t and how Dimensius gave her the Voidsong Staff(which we can only get a Transmog of) I suspect Locus Walker is Dimensius and has plans for the Dark Heart that are against Xal’atath’s own plans(the Trailer clearly shows she wants the World Soul that was so long denied her).
Rocky Dragoa
It’s not really confirmed that the goal of Xal’atath is to do with the void lord Dimensius specifically – Just a void lord – or void lords, in general.
- Personally I’d rather hope its one other than Dimensius as we’ve already faced them before in Outland, albeit a shadow (pardon the pun) of their former self, but nonetheless.
Given they always reference the void lords in a plural sense / are more than one, it’d be interesting to see another named void-lord for a change.
Ultimately however,
What I’m hoping for most, is that whatever future ‘VOID LORD’ we face isn’t just some simple-minded primal hungry monster with no personality — but something that actually has a personality, a further goal (eg. Bringing about the cosmos to join alongside them, being allies of the void itself) — and the overall stuff that opens up interesting story & content prospects in the future ahead
Plot twist: Khadgar is already corrupted, is unaware, and will somehow betray us all and then die fighting to break her influence.
Xal’atath at the moment doesn’t have much of a champion. The Nerubians were there just to delay everyone going by her attitude after the Queen was felled. In fact everything so far she treated with indifference save her mild annoyance at her disc thing being fractured.
She never expected the Nerubians, nor the Queen, to succeed in much of anything beyond that. Assuming Gallywix is the same way: A distraction that needs to be paid attention to while she furthers her own goals.
The Old Gods had a similar method when it came to their tools: They seek out the vulnerable in moments of doubt and instill them with paranoia and promises of power. It wouldn’t be a reach for Gallywix to fall victim to this.
That said, Iridikron is likely a champion to her cause. (Don’t know what it is, but the Old Gods and their minions seem to have an affinity to stony dragons) Zekvir seemed to favor her immensely and could very well be a champion of her as well. Remains to be seen if Delve Boss #2 is the same way. Could be interesting as goblins were a big part of Deathwing’s madness, and helped him create the Dragon Soul.
Most, however, are simply a tool to be used.
I’d happily be corrupted over to Xal’atath’s side of importance. Other then that I feel like Blizzard is setting us up for a huge plot twist.
I think the Dormammu route from MCU Dr. Strange works best, the Void Lords are supposedly immortal… and even if we COULD kill them, it would destabilize reality as Azeroth knows it, being made of equal parts Void and Light.
Therefore, it would be best to get our:
Dormammu, I’ve come to talk about your cars extended warranty!
Anduin likes big butts and he cannot lie, he especially likes em on Draenei
Locus Walker has told us that the Radiant Song of Azeroth was the prelude to Dimensious’ appearance before devouring K’aresh.
No, he didn’t.
Because what he said is more-so just sharing the similarities of what their world went through before a void lord came forth — It still doesn’t necessarily mean that Dimensius specifically is going to be the one to come to Azeroth, nor that it was even Xal’atath who had unfolded the events on the Ethereals home world of K’aresh in the first place.
At best, it’s an indication that K’aresh harbored a world soul of its own and that a void lord’s entrance to our reality on such a world came forth — and that coming arrival resulted into the denizens of the world receiving similar-like visions.
Locus Walker’s fears:
When Locus-Walker says he fears Xal’atath seeks precisely such a fate for Azeroth, I believe it means simply a void lord coming to either consume Azeroth or at the very least use her energies to enter our reality, then use her to anchor them to it — Convert her to the void and bring about the cosmos to such too.
- Anyway, ultimately Locus Walker isn’t an all-knowing being regardless. Locus Walker knows much thanks to the gifts of the void – but he doesn’t know all, so even if he DID imply his own suspicion towards it being Dimensius specifically — He could simply be wrong and it could be one of the other void lords.
Heck, with Azeroth’s power — It could even be a few void-lords, given that she’s been dubbed to be far stronger than most world souls & holds greater potential as a titan.