Xalatath And Shadow Priest Dialogue

So this is pretty cool. Turns out she says one of four things to you in the finale quest.

She whispered to me;

Yes, bring your ‘allies’ to me, my blade. Drive them to the brink! For you have become the weapon that I now wield

And that’s apparently because I both did her Legendary Weapon quests in Legion and have the Servant of N’Zoth achievement. Because obviously I do it was fun as hell getting to do FFA PvP in BFA.

But if you’ve only done the Legion questline you get;

After we shared so much, you simply threw me away. I will savor the taste of your insanity. Just let go

If you’ve the title but didn’t do the Legion artifact questline you get;

I told you that you were destined for great things. Rejoice, for you have aided the end of all things

And if you’ve done neither you get;

Your world is dying. Breathe deep and accept that you have caused your end

This is honestly pretty cool and makes me wonder if we’ll get anymore complex interactions like this in the future. And I wonder if that Servant of N’Zoth toy that let you become hostile to everyone won’t see a comeback. Either way I’m A Okay with Xalatath wanting to grab me by the hilt.


The delight I had being acknowledged by my favorite goth knaifu!

Seems like TWW has quite a few class/race specific callouts through it’s questing which is pretty neat. I’m loving the little nuances.


There’s a bunch of them in Hallowfall. For DKs, Warlocks, shadow priests, void elves and I think mages too.


I noticed some recently in Ringing Deeps too! There’s some specific to Warlocks, Mages, Priests, Paladins, Rogues, etc. Honestly, these small little Easter eggs really have made a ton of difference in my enjoyment of this expansion so far!


That’s awesome! Like you, finding these little tidbits, even by accident, have been a ton of fun. TWW is shaping up to be a great expac so far.

Metzen was smart when he said he was taking a more mentoring role and letting the quest guys cook and have fun


There’s just a lot a cool but irrelevant side bits. Like there’s a quest in Hallowfall where you’ve to tend to wounded soldiers with bandages. Unless, of course, you’re a class with healing spells. Then you can just use that.

It really isn’t much but just some acknowledgement of your RPG choices in this MMORPG is pretty cool when you’re generally regarded as Champion #344658 by most NPCs.

Seriously I’ve lost count of the number of NPCs that say something about the foul, disgusting undead and I’m just standing there going “Bruh”.


That is a cool find, can’t wait to see it on my Shadow Priest.

I wonder if Shadows Priests will get a quest chain involving them and Xal’atath as TWW continues.

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The way she is talking combined with Y’Shaarj’s statements that we will die when we leave “this place”, C’Thun’s statements that we are already dead, N’Zoth’s statements that something is behind us and that we should not move not even breathe and the Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron’s asking us “Do you dream while you sleep or is it an escape from the horrors of reality?” suggest that we are nearing the end of a flashback dream.

In that case N’Zoth is not the one who states that “Only I can save you from what is to come.” but Tyr(who shares a Voice Actor with N’Zoth)!

This throws our confrontation with Odyn to save the Thorignir into question as Xal’atath stated that Odyn was a great enemy until his arrogance proved his undoing. In otherwords it was not Vyranoth who brought us to fight him!

But how are we drowning? For drowning we are.

“It grows hungrier… bolder. Alas, your eyes are closed.” - N’Zoth(Uu’nat Encounter)

The Black Blood is fueled by Wrath. The only being fueled by Wrath is the Harvester of Wrath.

“She is not the last, but the first. Drown her and you will see.” - N’Zoth(Uu’nat Encounter)

Who uses Drowning? The Stonewright!

She is drowning us and is the one who “kills” us in the “Tomb of Sargeras” for daring to desecrate her shrine within Elune’s Temple!

The former Night Warrior Haidene First Priestess of Elune(whose statue is in the place that Xal’atath tells us to desecrate) would dare pass herself as the Goddess in the Dream and Elune ruler of the Dream would mock her for proclaiming herself a “goddess”!

It’s not Xal’atath we are facing but the Night Warrior wanting to use us to kill Haidene for daring to proclaim herself a Goddess while also seeking to claim Azeroth’s World Soul!

The 2nd part of the plan of course fails and Elune is forced to unleash the Night Warrior face upon the Sunwell to make a final grab at the World Soul herself!

That also throws Locus Walker’s questioning Alleria knowing who she is into perspective: Does she know who she is? She seems awfully attached to Khadgar almost like… Jaina!

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