X-45 Heartbreaker Mount Drop Rate Increase

Took me 12 yrs to finally get it back in 2022…that one year they lowered level requirement for the drop I was running 35 toons that year and didn’t even get it then…you just have to keep at it all I can say…


All ears? We’ve been talking on this thread since February, just between members of the community because Devs or CMs never replied about the results, the response with this changes and only continue with the same practice, that as mentioned several times didn’t resolve the core issues mentioned by Chimes last year, its just the same RNG issues. Council members already created threads about bad luck protection and Holidays should be celebrated and if players put effort doing X amount of attempts , it should be reflected with a proper goal.

Please consider futher changes to these practices, I’m 100% sure that if this continue with next expansion the minimum level for this rewards will be moved 10+ levels again…why is this even a thing… just keep a permanent minimum level, that’s an issue for collectors leveling 50+ alts and doing that many attempts and We still do every possible attempt because the current solution is just 1 attempt with a higher chance that we don’t know and still any other attempt could drop the mounts.


i agree with the above posters. it should be 100% drop rate


We didn’t propose 100% drop rate but a bad luck protection system based on an increase per attempt or a currency that will reflect the progress during the event; however, some players just think that we request a 100% drop.


sounds like more FOMO. no thanks! if it’s going to be guaranteed, let’s knock it off with the “time played” padding metrics!

It won’t be FOMO, if its available each year. It doesn’t have to be removed.

I totally agree, Devs should focus on better gameplay with a more fun replaybility, I was waiting for an actual Holiday update with Worldquest, World Events, PvP brawls, The current holiday updates don´t provide too much gameplay.

Other mmorpgs provide the rewards for holidays as part of a journey through different activities, solo boss fights, questlines…etc which is more meaningful compared to WoW approach that’s pure RNG and that caused this response after 10+ years with the same pattern.

Not only Arfus and the script, there’s players looking for the old mounts for years and they’re doing changes until now, however, their fix didn’t solve the core issue and most collectors ran a lot of alts during love event (We still have the 10 + characters limit instance still in game and the queues are getting worse), even a Council member did 2 accounts for 2 daily boost attempts.


Just to add, we have had confirmation from one of the CMs that the feedback on RNG and time/reward has been heard and understood. No word on what they’ll do about it mind you, but felt like I should let this know :slight_smile:

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I hope that’s true but the council did post since Dev Chimes response back in Feb 2022 about different solutions and it was ignored without any Dev response, We’ve multiple threads about RNG since Council creation and most of those ignored, you guys do a lot of posting compared to blue response, there’s a big gap between threads created and their response, its like the feedback program is being ignored.


Thank you for the update. I’ve in the past farmed this on 1-3 accounts and while I’m sure the evidence collected is likely enough, would describe the drop rate as “soul crushing”. There is the issue of getting alts up to the minimum every 2 years for each expansion also. Last year I just farmed 60 characters and RNG being a fickle mistress my friend years ago got this mount back in WoD with just 13 characters. With instance cap, It’s still 6-7 hours of grind each day of this event for this super rare tcg recolor mount. Have been grinding since at least WoD, it’s the only holiday mount to elude me. I hope next year has better changes.


Thank god…someone else notice this issue…its frustating that Devs keep moving this requirement, it should be something like 50 permanent, Devs created this idea of moving the minimum level because players could create allied races and do the event when it required minimum lvl 15 for the item, they always do this reward strategies to do the content even worse to grind and approach…it’s until now after a lot of issues and claims from the community that they started to change their ideas for rewards but there’s still massive RNG elements that cause a frustating experience.

Devs should focus on replayability gameplay and provide some better rewards like gold, exp potions, old mount drops, runes…etc besides the holiday cosmetics. Holiday cosmetics should be RNG with a side bad luck protection mechanic. Maybe add more customs and provide more candy via Holiday WQ, PvP brawl, world events… besides just picking candy around azeroth, something more meaningful. I wonder the # of players that actually purchase those customs with charges.


I feel your pain brother. I also intend to create a new account with a 60 for two “increased chances”. If I don’t get it this year I’ll probably just retire from wow tbh.

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X-45 Heartbreaker… NEVER!!! It will always be the Big Love Rocket!


Agreed it will always be the pink love rocket.


Same…its the damn Love Rocket to me too…


oh no! people that like to collect mounts might be able to get more mounts!

I fail to see the problem here?

if you don’t agree that 100 should be the magic number of times you need to kill a boss in order to get the mount drop, what number would you be comfortable with? 200? 500? 1000? there has to be some number, right, where we can say “OK, this player has done the same mind numbing easy content a ridiculous number of times… this is getting a bit ridiculous…”

I think FF14 already has a system like this


“I suffered many many runs with RNG to get these mounts, and so should you”
“My rare mount won’t be special anymore when more people actually have a chance to earn it”

And don’t underestimate the fans of slot machines who think it’s much better and more exciting to run all these old raids for years with empty hands afterwards (because one day it might drop and there will be 10 seconds of happiness).


I feel this pain. I am SO not looking forward to next expansion when I have to level 80+ characters up to 70 instead of the 60 they’re at now. Should just make the required level 35 or 40 and call it a day.

You and me both. I’m going to hit over 4700 attempts next year if I don’t get it (again). :upside_down_face:


Let us trade Holiday Mounts, Pets…etc with our friends, that alone is a step forward to improve the bad RNG in this game and relief frustrating experience that’s doing this grind with 50+ alts.

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Its pretty crazy they said this and 9 months later people are cycling through as many alts as they can everyday not for just a mount, but now also a pet and a dragonriding manuscript… which somehow Blizzard believes should be just as rare as a MOUNT. Like who is deciding these droprates??

I just dont understand.


Blizzard can we please get a response? The Halloween event rare pet mount combo with affixes for an increased chance - is that the new direction? Where is the communication? Why do you post one day before the love rocket event and ignore your own post for an entire year. It’s enough to make me buy a blizz con ticket and ask this very question during the live q&a!