X-45 Heartbreaker Mount Drop Rate Increase

ANy new mount added to vendor this year?

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No but there is a new mount added to loot table from the dungeon …

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Got my rocket on the first run this year. Woohoo!


so 2 rockets now?

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No, this is the new mount*:

*Earthen not included


thats not a drop though thats tender mount

so looks like i can skip this year already got the vendor mount tinder mount and dungeon rocket

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It’s a reskin of the one on the Trading Post, yes.

Trading Post:

New holiday boss mount:


Grats on the love rocket!


oh crap ugh thanks

Whine to them, not me. They changed it this year.

at least i only have to do it once a day for the new ugly mount dont need to do it on all 50 toons so thats a plus i guess


I got the love rocket on the last day of the event in 2024 and it’s been my primary mount ever since (minus ah mount 2.0).

Good luck guys go go go!


Given some of the bugs we’ve had since TWW’s launch, it’s entirely possible that they didn’t mean for this tooltip to go live, especially if it hasn’t been officially announced (Like that bug with the Timewalking quest rewards last week).

I’ll take them at their word for now, but I also won’t be surprised if a week from now we get a message like, “Oopsie we didn’t mean to push that tooltip, it was just something we were testing internally. No event extension though”.

It does seem possible they changed it as they nerfed a ton of ways that multi-alt farming used to work with the release of war bands. It’s kind of odd as war bands is a feature to make having lots of alts better in theory, but a lot of the benefits to having lots of alts were nuked into oblivion in the process. Warbound currency and warbanks were the positive but alt farming was mostly sacrificed at the same time.

Blizzard needs to be a lot more clear about things like this.

I’ve also wondered since TWW launch if world events that drop recipes have a chance per character or only on the first character you run it on per week. In Dragonflight I got a ton of recipes from the elemental weekly event for example on alts, but in TWW even though the recipes are worth a lot less, they seem even rarer which might be related to a war band related alt farming nerf that they have never clearly stated anywhere and isn’t obvious. That potentially wastes a ton of people’s time without them knowing it’s a waste of time.

Blizzard needs to clarify these kinds of things ASAP and not leave people in the dark. Respect people’s time.

Tooltips can be wrong and the information contradicts information previously provided by a blue post.


Yeah, we get enough of that with the Headless Horseman.

Is this really only one time chance lol.


Sure would be nice if they updated us on this.


Agree, we’ve been asking for a proper response for years, it’s really confusing.


June 2024

We’re changing the way the loot system for the holiday boss drops work. We have increased drop rates significantly for the first boss kill on a single account. Only the first attempt on a single Battle.net account will be eligible to receive the item drop, however. For each subsequent daily attempt on the boss with a single Battle.net account, the chance for the item to drop will increase and continue to accumulate for each failed attempt.

Source: https://news.blizzard.com/en-gb/article/24104745/this-week-in-wow-21-june-2024


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