X-45 Heartbreaker Mount Drop Rate Increase


How has your summer been? Any updates for us?

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Wow did I miss HAloween and thanksgiving and chirstmas already?

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This event is only 5 months away. Any eta on the update on last years event or plans for this years event. I might have missed the blue post update on this thread with the over 800 posts.

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Again Devs moving the goal post…next year probably we’ll need all our characters in lvl 70, i hope this is a bug…they should stop moving this kind of requirement


I just got the purple keg shaped chest on a level 60 mage about 2 minutes ago. I don’t think the wowhead article is correct.

Thanks for confirmation maybe it was fixed, this has happened before…I still think Devs should stop moving this cosmetics each new expansion, they should set a limit like 50+…Their original issue with 15+ was the addition of allied races and some players creating and deleting characters for attempts, that was already address, they don’t need to move the minimum requirement anymore.

Maybe its about time Reward Devs add bad luck protection instead of a “daily boost attempt”

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I’m still waiting for them to reply to the love rocket post lol


Still waiting for a blue post response from last year.

Cries in corner

Not going to lie but if they do to love is in the air what they have done to hallows end then we have all just gotten even worse odds.

Running toons through HH now seems to take about 10 times as long meaning less toons get through in that same amount of time, just wasting more time. It takes long enough to run 50+ toons through a day for such stupidly low drop %


I think that there should never be a reason to run 50 chars for anything. :dracthyr_heart:


Couldnt agree more, but blizzard will not budge on their stupidly low drop rates on this. Their ‘solution’ to increase for the first toon of the day does absolutely nothing


I know its a player problem that we lead to run every posible alt for an extra attempt, however; it was produced by Devs and they acknowledge that but didn’t fix the main issue regarding RNG… :smiling_face_with_tear:

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Dev 1: People are upset at the absurdly low drop rate and having to take hours daily to run as many characters as they can. What should we do?
Dev 2: How about we bump up the drop rate by a nearly indistinguishable amount?
Dev 1: That might give them just enough hope to keep running and that they have a chance.
Dev 2: Good point. Let’s make it once per day!

Fast forward 6+ months of willful disregard to further complaints

Dev 1: Hallow’s End is coming up and people will be trying for the HH mount. Any suggestions?
Dev 2: What about if we give it the same treatment we gave LiitA?
Dev 1: I’m listening…
Dev 2: But we make it take even LONGER so that people can’t complain how long it takes to run an absurd amount of characters because they won’t have time!


Hehehe i laughed hard at this because it is honestly just so true :joy:


Supposition or speculation on your part here.

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Oh it’s complete conjecture on my part.
But I’m disinclined to believe that this isn’t the case.

while I appreciate the team helping to address the worst offenders (some players have been farming a seasonal reward mount for 10+ years with no success) isn’t it time for the game to put a pity timer on ALL mount drops?

If I kill a boss 100 times I should get the mount on my 100th attempt, guaranteed.
Fair enough?


NO…cause you can do that in 2 weeks with 50 alts…I ran this character many times in Firelands for those two mounts…never got to drop for this character which is my main…so one night I decided to run two of my Druids I never took into Firelands…guess what both mounts dropped one for each druid…same night…

Hey Qwaterpound and Naamah - it’s coming up on that time of year again >_<

We were definitely the “3 rocketeers” on the forums this year - maybe if we’re lucky one of us will get it next year?

I’m definitely at the point where I’m going to make a couple of new Battle.net accounts under my name this January and get a Level 60 on each for the extra “once per day” boosted chance - and then if it drops, I’ll transfer that character to my main account before learning it. I’m on a disability pension and it’s going to cost me at least half my disposable income for the month but I don’t care xD At this point, if I don’t get the Rocket this year then I think I’ll either move permanently to Classic or just quit WoW altogether because doing this event on dozens of toons each February for what will be my… 8th? year is just ridiculous. And what’s worse is that there are people who have been doing it LONGER with MORE CHARACTERS.

Bleh. I’m stressing myself out over it before February is even here xD But I really hope they do some kind of re-work where we can do a “hard mode” dungeon for a boosted mount chance on more than just the first toon of the day.


Took me 12 yrs to finally get it back in 2022…that one year they lowered level requirement for the drop I was running 35 toons that year and didn’t even get it then…you just have to keep at it all I can say…