X-45 Heartbreaker Mount Drop Rate Increase

Devs didn’t lie, the chance was increased but for 1 attempt per day, the problem comes when the Devs acknowledged the frustating gameplay during 2022’s event and then the fix didn’t address the unfun aspect of the grind.

It’s not only about the drop chance, but the fight doesn’t requires roles, the limited instances issues every 10 attempts in the same realm. A lot of collectors expected a deterministic way to earn the mount or a flat increase to all our attempts (And we´ve 50+ attempts), a bad luck mechanic like providing the mount for 1000-2000 love tokens or a new meta achievement with new activities isn’t the same as handing the mount to everyone…because there’s a grind with progress towards a goal. The drop rate could be increase to 99% drop that a player could still fail to obtain the mount for years because that’s the awful side of RNG.

Dev showed comprehension about this but the fix didn’t address the burn out from this grind or the lack of fun on this activity, even the Dev mentioned how he couldn’t try as much as possible due to RL stuff…its the same for some players, another mmorpgs address holidays events and rewards with a better path that provides a challenge, an experience, something to the player instead of a frustating moment.