Wyrmrest Story Runner's Collab Lab đź“–

Hey Wyrmrest!

I’ve just opened up a new Discord server this morning (titled the same as above) designed for story runners of both factions, intended to serve as a platform for theory crafting, discussion of mechanics, systems, character/npc design, and pretty much any other topics that we can think up.

There is also a category for workshopping individual storylines that we’re working on, for which people want feedback on.

Feel free to join!

General Set Up


There are only two ranks aside from Moderates:
  • Story Runner: intended for those who plan to run stories, and want to get some of their material workshopped for feedback.
  • Guest: intended for those who aren’t active story runners, but would still like to contribute to the discussion, or help give feedback for the story runners.

The Categories

Public Gathering:

These are your general chats. There’s one for spoilers and lore, art and media, and then two channels set aside for the Alliance and Horde.

Resource & Theory:

This category has a whole bunch of channels meant for theory crafting, and discussion of mechanics, roll systems, character design, and story ideas.

The Workshop:

This category will be, to an extend, ever growing. The plan is to allow any Story Runners to have a channel exclusive to one of their upcoming stories, so that all discussion related to it is contained, and easy to sort through.

For instance, if I’m running a story for my guild called “Campaign 2: Electric Boogaloo”, I would have a channel exclusively made for it, in which anyone can discuss content related to it specifically. Once your storyline is set to go and the channel isn’t needed, it will be deleted, or archived.



This looks fantastic so far. Ya’ll should join it; the more the merrier, and collaboration always grants excellent results. I’m hoping to start work on a story once I get my creative spark back.

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I joined, too! This guy does cool things sometimes. Worth a look!

We’re going to be starting up a more focused discussion this coming week about roll systems for combat, healing, and other engagement activities in large group event settings.

Those who have run events with 25 or more players are probably familiar with that sense of overwhelming anxiety which rises when story runners are stretched a bit too thin; the discussion for this coming week is geared towards covering strategies in the form of roll systems which can help reduce that anxiety, and provide a better handle on events for story runners.

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Great discussions in this discord so far, and really friendly people. They have some really good insights and ideas; I can’t wait to see more of what goes down here.

Also, please petition Vanforth to remove my spoiler exclusion rank… no reason behind it… just for fun…

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That exclusion rank shall REMAIN; no spoilers, you tepid fool.

In other news, we’re going to begin workshopping individual storylines proposed by members of the Discord soon, and we’re still welcoming in new folks here and there - so don’t hesitate to hop on board if this is something that interests you, folks of Wyrmrest.

That exclusion rank shall REMAIN; no spoilers, you tepid fool.

You are cruel and mean to me and I have done nothing, ever, in my entire life, to deserve this.

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Don’t mind me. I’m definitely not double-posting, or anything.


Check this out, guys!! Every couple of days, we have a new topic to talk about. It’s truly helping me learn and get a little more courage when it comes to DMing. Writing is hard, but teamwork makes it a little more bearable.

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Beep beep! Make sure you stop by. I love the resources and discussions that’ve been going on here the past couple weeks!

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