Wyrmrest Name Archive Redux

Would love to see if anyone got the names Elise or Dione, or really any Greek goddess names. I got a few names that are nice (Morrigan, Scorpio, Juliette, Roses, Rozen, Celest) but if anyone wants them in particular, I have no qualms about trading for something.

I just managed to snag Pwnpatrol for my Pandaren monk thanks to the release and I have zero regrets.


I’ve never understood name hoarding. It takes me forever to come up with a name I like, and for the ones I like a lot, I generally sit on them on every server I play on and reuse as needed. Kirsy on WrA is Kirsy on MG, Kirsy on ED and Kirsy on BsB.

But with TRP as it is, there’s no great need for anyone to have their actual WoW character name match their TRP name. So why would anyone buy or trade for names they don’t have at this point? And if the names mean so little that you’re willing to trade them off, why collect them up in the first place? I’d never trade or sell the name Kirsy on a server I play on. It means something to me, so I have it collected. But I wouldn’t bother making something like Butterflywing just because I could, and then list it as something I’m sitting on for no reason. If I hoarded up the name and kept it, even if I listed it here, there’s a good chance someone who wanted the name will never look at the forums. I’m keeping a name out of circulation for no reason. Why bother with that?


Oooh yay round 2

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Aro, Evelyna, Chaol, and Iri have been released back into the wild.

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If anyone has ‘Mansfield’ on MG, I want it!

I reinstalled WoW a few weeks ago to decide I still don’t want to play but that reminded me I have a couple that I took previously that I was excited to make characters for - and did for most of them but Kungfu - but at this point I don’t see myself coming back to the game.

The following have been released to the wild. I think Rumour might take a while because I did get her to max level.

  • Appletree
  • Rumour
  • Runner
  • Harpoon
  • Kungfu



With the clearing having happened, anyone have any good new names they want to trade or sell for gold? :slight_smile:

Still desperately looking for Cricket, Firefly, Sage, or Song.

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I just released the name “Dz” on WrA. It’s a cool two letter name that sounds like Dizzy. Also released “Kz” which sounds like Casey

Hello :sparkles: WRA :sparkles:! I still have quite a few names I’m willing to trade/sell/giveaway so I’m updating my post to not only remove the old names, but add some of my more personal names to the list in hopes that I could perhaps trade those names for names I’d enjoy more!

I’m currently in college so my replies might be slower, but the best ways to reach me are by replying to me directly here or sending mail my way @Salt-Wyrmrest Accord. Below I will be labeling each of my names to give you an idea of their availably with emojis because that’s very fun to me.

Trade Only: :sparkling_heart: Trade or Gold: :blue_heart: Make an offer: :purple_heart:

Wyrmrest Accord Names:

:sparkling_heart:Cutie*, :purple_heart:Sadly, :purple_heart:Tied, :sparkling_heart:Bovine*

:blue_heart:Horned, :purple_heart:Neato, :purple_heart:Druidic, :sparkling_heart:Easy*

:blue_heart:Toothy, :purple_heart:Chomper, :blue_heart:Aye, :sparkling_heart:Beastly*

:blue_heart:Denial, :purple_heart:Sink, :purple_heart:Holier, :sparkling_heart:Risk*

:sparkling_heart:Sunwell*, :purple_heart:Bearer, :sparkling_heart:Doggy*, :sparkling_heart:Fatality*

:sparkling_heart:Surfal*, :purple_heart:Surface, :sparkling_heart:Seethe*

:blue_heart:Zaram, :purple_heart:Excite, :blue_heart:Lull*

:purple_heart:Last*, :purple_heart:Seen, :blue_heart:Thorny*

Moon Guard Names:

:sparkling_heart:Surfal*, :purple_heart:Toothy

:purple_heart:Sullied, :purple_heart:Warmage

I hope this format makes things a bit easier for both me, and folks seeking these names. I’m hoping to make some trades before Dragonflight so I can clear my list a bit more, as I can’t handle having a lot of alts as I once was able to. (I’ve seriously deleted about 30 max level alts in the past few months.)

Oh, as a last note, names marked with ‘*’ may have a cooldown attached. (30 days)

Names I am looking for:
Peach, Tiger, Lynx, Atlas, Eve, Eva, Drake, Draconic, Dragon, Holy, Mythic, Myth, Mist, Death, Fatal, Fate, Crow, Rat, Moth, Evil, Hurt.

Honestly any ‘cool’, or ‘cute’ sounding 4-6 letter name usually gets me interested. So if you have any you’d like to negotiate for some of mine, feel free to ask.

Happy Pre-Pre-Patch folks! Dragonflight looks pretty amazing!

I just released “Citizen” this morning on WrA. I had an enjoyable time the past couple years slow-walking around SW as “Citizen of Stormwind”. Some laughably good random walk-up RP was had.

I hope whoever ends up with this name enjoys it as much as I did.

Nice. I’m not 100% on trading that one, I liked it for similar reasons. :slight_smile: Definitely has a lot of fun rp potential

Hi, been looking for these for a while on Wyrmrest Accord, so if anyone managed to pick them up (or something similar along the edgy/spooky/mystical lines) during the release and would be willing to trade please let me know. I have a few I’d be willing to trade in exchange (WrA or MG) or I can pay gold. (Asterix denotes names that I’ve heard are not currently available, but I’m keeping them on the list just in case).

Wendigo, Jotunn, Crocodile, Alligator, Caiman, Scream, Haunt, Ghost, Enigma, Exorcism/t, Guillotine, Hyena, Darwin, Iriak, Requiem, Rites, Sagittarius, Celestial*, Carrion*, Zodiac*

I have the following up for trade/offer on (Wyrmrest only):

Stae, Culled, Disturbed, Cress, Azael, Aboard, Blows, Dro, Grasp, Manslayer, Moros, Hesperides, Yggdrasil, Illest, Ailment, Retic, Glare, Pathless, Quests, Rated.

Contacts are as follows: Siats#2894 (Discord) | chillmaw#11210 (Bnet) | Syndicate-Wyrmrest-Accord (In-game)

Yus, just for you :slight_smile:

I read that as Deez.

Deez what?

You know what.

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No, I do nut.

I’m mostly active on the MG forum post, but I have Tale, Charm, & Europa on this server up for trade. Only looking for names on Moon Guard.

This thread is a trash fire.

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A friend of mine has the name Carrion, but they’ve got it on a character they actively play and I don’t think they’d be open to giving it up.

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