Wyrmrest Name Archive Redux

On the flip side, seeing people defend their silly little actions and antics is easily as entertaining


Oh for sure. Glad I can be of entertainment. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Still wondering what the actual goal is for complaining about it though.

I’ll never forgive myself for letting one of my favorite names go….


I wish we could just use any name and attach a non-visible number next to it like battletags.

Removing the character limit cap per server was a good change, but combined with a dramatically reduced leveling time and ever-expanding race and class options, I bet anyone who plays actively on a server has like 25+ characters on it now. That’s a lot of names, even if they aren’t “hoarding” with level 1 alts!

I don’t mind being Miko#12091787 as long as the ugly number is only visible when people are trying to friend me or whatever!


I don’t have a goal. I just think its a crappy thing to do. I don’t expect any of you to do anything. If you cared what other people thought, you wouldn’t be doing it to begin with.

But good luck on the continued exploitation of other people I guess. This is about as good an example of “just because you can doesn’t mean you should” that I can think of.


Exploitation of other people is definitely in my top 5 hobbies, right next to collecting names on a video game


Bro go touch some grass, they’re names in a video game. Also, I legit have told people to just ask me if there’s a name they really want, and if it’s not a name attached to a former main/a very special name to me, I’ll most likely let them have it.

I rotate through names a lot, and I give away names to friends and nice strangers all the time. You’re seriously just looking for something to complain about.

My guy seriously doesn’t understand that the main goal of threads like these are to actually get people the names they want, not to keep people from getting names.


What if they are allergic to grass

And fun?

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I do not have strong feelings against people who have lots of names

I do have strong feelings against people who tell me to touch grass. I will never touch grass. I completely refuse

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That would explain why they’re on a forum thread called “Wyrmrest Name Archive Redux” complaining about people… checks notes …trading and collecting names.

A man of principle. I can’t really refute that. You do you, Miko.


Truly a long shot but I’m hoping to buy or trade other names for Cherry on Wyrmrest Accord, or potentially any other fruit or food related names <3

You can mock me if you want. The truth is that you have put yourself in a position where you are the gatekeeper to dozens of names that other people may want. Now they have to either crawl to you on their knees and hope you “like” them enough to give it for free, or else hope they somehow have whatever you are demanding in trade for it. It is a crappy thing to do. Justify it however you like.

If you really wanted people to have these names they may want, you’d release them into the wild so that they could, oh I don’t know, try and just make the character without having to grovel at your feet for it. You can say you’re being benevolent, but the truth is if you hadn’t hoarded them, no one would have a need for this stupid thread to begin with. You gave yourself a position of power for no reason other than to inflate your own ego and profit off of others.

Telling me to go touch grass when I have maybe four characters vs you having so many you -must- have multiple accounts is laughable. Do you just sit at the creation screen and try to create as many chars as you can and see what sticks? How long does that take? Is it worth it? As for bringing it up in here- uh, duh? Where the hell else would I?

I repeat: four people, over 100 names. Anyway, you have a blessed day.


I save names I want to use for characters one day and am sometimes willing to trade them :man_shrugging:t5:

I think calling that “exploitative” is absurd.

I have almost 40 level 60s, and a lot in the 50-60 range. I’ll only play around 2-5 in any real capacity in any given patch.

In fact, I’m sure that I have more names tied up on an army of alts spread across multiple accounts than I do on level 1 characters. But it’s EASILY over 100 and I’m one person.

By that logic, hoarding names on those characters is also ‘exploitative’ because someone might want a name and can’t have it due to some raging altoholic.

Funny thing is that the 2 times people have asked me for a name, they were happy it was taken by someone who advertised it and not someone who levelled to 26 and quit in Mists of Pandaria.

Blizzard’s name system for WoW is terrible, would be great if they changed it. That said, I’d advise not getting up in your own head about it and making assumptions about people having to “grovel” etc. – that’s just projecting IMO.


Shot you a friend request on bnet :slight_smile:

As I said before there is nothing in the TOS against it and it is clearly Blizzard’s crappy naming system at fault, but holding names on low-level alts just to hold them for trade or monetary gain is a bit scummy. Actually leveling and using the names in any capacity is of course cool even if you don’t play them that often…just holding them for years and not using them just leaves a bad taste in my mouth but that’s just me.

With that said I just released the following names on Angerforge Woltk Classic if anyone wants to nab them for use not hoarding

  • Sunday
  • Maggot
  • Geist
  • Mirage
  • Typhoid
  • Mouse

I played a little bit of Wrath classic and tried to get back into it but nostalgia wasn’t enough and I lost interest.


this is what I’m assuming the issue is.
I have a few names hoarded that I might use eventually (Fight is one of them, going to use it on my Drakthyr, but that’s one of three) but if I’m not using a name or if I’ve just been sitting on it not using it — I just free it up.

also orc player brain says if you sit on a name purely for monetary gain you are an airBNB landlord


Quoting this, as they are still all open for offers. You can either reply to me here or toss me a message/mail ingame.

Everyone is getting so heated! It’s not like there’s another thread detailing all the alts these four enterprising players are holding on to!

Oh wait, there is!
Your RP Alt Characters’ Privacy May Be at Risk - Wyrmrest Accord - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)

That site only had 1 alt shown for me before I clicked my option to not share. It’s not accurate.

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Tbh I’m inclined to agree with Borg, but also I’ve always been in the camp of “I have RP addons” so i can literally name my character something ridiculous and then just change the name with the addon.

I mean my first character ever is OOCly named Crazyprophet but ICly is named Bradley lmao

If i don’t get a name I want I just type in something else :person_shrugging: