Wyrmrest Name Archive Redux

please for the love of god sell me the name “Ludo”

That’s…a lot of unique names to hoard. Certainly, there isn’t a rule against it and this is a thread designated for the trading of names. I dunno… I’m not trying to be rude or anything just me personally if I don’t use a name I will release it. A couple of times I’ve traded them for gold off server to buy pets or a mount or two but most of the time I’ve just released them but it is your right to do with them as you please. At this point, common word names are few and far between, and for me personally, I would much rather someone get some use out of it than it just collecting dust…but that is just me.

Again not trying to stir anything up it’s just that it’s a whole lot of unique names you are holding on to there and each name is quite possibly a character that isn’t being added to the realm.


Nothing wrong with grabbing a ton of names you think are cool to grab and save for later.
And if you dont end up using them, trading them isnt bad either.
Its nice to know the names are on an active account that actually uses the forums and can be contacted instead of on an account only stays active enough to keep the names from being purged and never replies to any inquires xD


I’m still looking for the name Valgarde! I can pay with gold, and/or I have that same name on Moon Guard to trade.

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One of my favorite places. Back during Wrath, I had a Warrior in a guild that was RP-IC based there. Some of the most enjoyable RP I’ve ever been a part of.

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Looking to buy an awesome name on MG for my MG evoker. Something archetypical, if possible!

I don’t have any names available to trade on WrA, but I am looking to get the name Fordred freed up. It appears to be held by a blood elf DH at the moment but I’m not sure how active the character is.

The reason I want it is because it’s the IC name of my DK, who is my paladin’s father.

Interested in the name “Kaleidos”, @whoever has it I would love u forever if you’d be willing to give it away or trade it for something! :pleading_face:

Update: Found an alternative spelling of the name that I enjoy more, no longer looking :relieved: :green_heart:

I really wish people would just delete names they aren’t using to free them up for people who may want them. Snatching up someone else’s dream names en masse just to use them as bargaining chips has always felt extremely selfish.

If you’re not actively using it, let someone else. Don’t hold someone else’s ideal character name hostage on the off-chance it can get you what you want.


I get people saving names, but the hoarding irks me a bit. I’ve gotten some amazing names that I’ve released over the years because I wasn’t using them.

I had Mario on this server and yes, I dressed him up as Mario. (little blue overalls mage). I had Bruno. I had Art. I had Luther. Some others. The most recent one that I had was Boris. Of course, he had to be a messy blonde haired Gnome Rogue. I really wanted to do something with him, but I knew he would sit there so I let it go.


I have 6,000 names hoarded. I will release them all for 9,000 USD.

Here’s a few of them:




Alternate take: I save names for characters I want to make, and am willing to buy names for characters I want to make.

If a name sits there for a year before I start the character, so be it. I don’t want to wait and then try to remake the character to see that the name is taken on a level 13 Worgen Hunter that will never log on to the game again.

That’s why I’m saving ‘Jon’ for my Evoker. Had it on a DK but xferred them off and saved it here mid-SL. Between then and DF, some moron could have taken it, levelled to 23 and quit, locking the name from me forever.

Similarly, I was looking for a good name for my MG evoker. No one had one they wanted to sell, so I saved a few obscure archaic words. If someone wants my Evoker name for final-patch alt, TOO BAD YO. I’m making sure it’s there when I need it.


Although I will say this – I wouldn’t be upset if Blizzard changed the mechanics.

For example, names are only saved on level 1-10 alts if they’re active (e.g. bank alt). Otherwise, the lower level the alt, the faster the name is freed. It wouldn’t be viable to store 100 names in that case (for most at least).

But, the caveat there is that names should be freed faster on accounts that aren’t played – to balance that.

Of course, the preferable option would be to have first and last names + nicknames baked into the system. That would pretty much solve everything.


I feel this way sometimes but I’m also not sure what counts as “using” a name. Like I have a level 50 lightforged priest alt named “Alexios” that I almost never play and I’m sure someone would like to have that name. But I don’t really wanna give it up either because

  • it is a cool name for a draenei

  • I might want to play a priest sometime (but probably not)

  • I might want to delete him to make a draenei with that name with a class that doesn’t cause suffering to play

  • he’s high enough level that I don’t feel like I’m name squatting that much

But speaking of name squatting if anyone is the owner of the level 10 pandaren named “Miko” on Moon Guard get in touch with me because I might want to make a different Miko on that server if WrA alliance remains as depressingly empty in DF

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I just checked and you can in fact roll your own fake monk heiress;

Hi Salt! I’m interested in a name of yours and sent you an in-game message, just letting you know here too. :slight_smile:

Hey, looking to buy a name or trade that fits the general aesthetic of a warrior (so most things regarding swordplay!) I have the following names for trade


(a whole mess of lesser-known greek mythical figures like Rhadine, Megareus, Leukon)

Lemme know if any of those are good and what you might have!

Anyone hear anything regarding the usual pre-expansion name release?

I THINK it’s supposed to be every 2 expans they do a big ‘purge’ on names. (well, unlocking.)
But I cant recall when the last one actually was.

I wonder if they even do that anymore, since they changed the language on the character creation screen to explicitly state that taken names cannot be claimed even if the account is inactive.

Maybe they were just getting tickets asking to free up names and wanted to reduce that though.

As a test I tried taking the name of my sister’s character, since I know her account has been inactive for 4+ years (some time in Legion), and it was still locked.

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