Wyrmrest Name Archive Redux

I’m still looking for Starveil and Bloodveil. Will pay gold for each, but especially the second one.

In case the person who has it isn’t planning to do anything with the toon, I’m also very interested in Nightharrow.

The following are names attached to vaguely-formed characters whom I would like to develop ‘at some point’, which is why I’m not just deleting them right now. But I’ve been sitting on them for a while, and I know I might not get to them.

If you have a character who is ICly named one of these, or if they spark an idea that you’re really excited about, contact me. I’ll remove names from the list as/if they get taken.

  • Coldhollow
  • Wrathwoven
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Eledris, one of those names you have is one I would be very interested in for a character I have. How can I get in contact with you easiest?

Add me on Discord! Dath#6053

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Names I am currently looking for:

1.) Gronnosh (Orcish translation of Gronnheart, so naturally I’m aiming to complete that!)
2.) Stormfather (My shaman’s surname which appears to be taken by a level 23 Worgen Death Knight.)
3.) Gorgoron (The given name of an old character I’d like to resurrect. Appears to be taken by a level 17 Orc Warrior.)

Offering in trade:

Gold of a sum suitable to all parties involved.

Contact: Lohnrogahn#1106

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I’m looking for Jack if anyone knows of anyone who has it.

Battlenet: Irving#12376
Discord: Irving#5000

I will do dirty things for the name “Ludo”.


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Hey! I was wondering if you would be willing to part with Clover at all?
I’m super interested

I’m looking for any feminine nature names.
Mostly interested in flowers or bird names, Finch, Sparrow and Chickadee being really sought after.

My bnet is Finch#1217 if you happen to have any names available(:

:> still looking for the player who has “Velys”
I’ve sent in-game mail and said name is on an active account, but gone unplayed.

Still looking for Lenore!

You can contact me by sending mail to this toon on Horde. Or on Alliance via Aeipathy.

I am currently looking for the name Valentyne on WrA! If you happen to have it, feel free to contact me via BNET: Valentyne#1336

:exclamation: SEE RECENT POST FOR MONTHLY UPDATE :exclamation:

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Still looking for Maggie!

Eternally looking for the name Typhoid.

Still looking for Tarala on MG and WRA.
Willing to pay in items and/or gold.
Please poke me on here.

Still looking for Serys and Newt. I’ve sent in-game mail to no avail! I don’t have any names worth anything to trade, but willing to pay in items and/or gold. Please reach out to me on b-net at Scytheus#1981

I’m still looking for Regina.

You’ll have to settle for Saskatoon

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hi I’m now interested in Butcher on WrA and willing to part with gold for it

Looking for the following name:

  • Jarrick

It’s currently held by a level 32 Undead in the guild Our Dawning Hour. Willing to pay the going rate of two WoW Tokens in gold.