Wyrmrest Name Archive Redux

It’s a great feature, but sadly a little slow/buggy atm, I honestly still recommend hitting create character rather than shifting to full reliability on the checker. It’s the only way to know for certain, and certainly a lot easier if you’re trying to rapid-fire try a list of names for availability.


Hello, friends! o/ I’m looking for the name Jei on WrA. I cannot find it in the character/server search nor has it been released. Would love to get in contact with whoever has it. (Please feel free to leave a message if I’m DND or AFK.) Thanks!

@ Discord: Pyra#1694
@ BNet: Pyra#1728

I’m looking for the name Vala, or rather, to talk with the owner of the name Vala.
Apparently hasn’t logged in for quite a while.

I’m using the name ‘Goblia’ now… but I have many others that I’ll probably post here soon :sparkling_heart:

Just sent you a friend request!

Hey there, no good names to give, but I am looking for a name on WrA.

Lucifiel is the name I’m looking for. I’ve used this name as my main name for 16 years on WoW and longer off WoW. Would really appreciate any info on it! You can find me on this character a lot of the time now!

I haven’t seen an active character with this name but it is unavailable. I am looking for Keanuleaves if available. Thanks.


I am looking for Nick, Nicky, or Nicki on Wyrmrest Accord or Moon Guard.

I have the following to trade:

  • gold
  • battle pets
  • The name “Bx”
  • The name “Thinker”

Doing a name search for a couple of names and I was able to nab the following:

  • Despot
  • Templeton
  • Rumour*

All free to a good home. Looking for some holy or angelic themed names for a future character and as always looking for the name Typhoid.

*Denotes possible cooldown on release.

Hey everyone :slight_smile: I’m looking for the name Branith on Wyrmrest Accord and/or Moon Guard. If anyone has it and would be willing to part with it I would REALLY appreciate it! :slight_smile:

Updating my list of what I have available. Sorry everyone, I ended up using Deceits for my rogue as it was too perfect…!

A * means I would prefer to trade 1 to 1 for these names. Feel free to make some offers.


  • Combustive
  • Revenants
  • Hypocrisy*
  • Curst*
  • Ulgu
  • Aspersion

Someone had previously asked for Hypocrisy but they never got online to make the trade, so I’m offering it up again.


  • Lairen
  • Eldriana

Eldriana’s been a mid-level nelf warrior for expansions now. I know someone out there must keep their sub active. I am happy to pay you gold for it. Lairen is being held on a level 45 boost (judging by the profile).

This is somewhat tangential to this thread but its useful name-related information: the rules regarding whether or not you can restore a character with the same name as one of your currently active characters recently changed.

The game used to prevent you from restoring a character with the same name as an active character, but now it just gives you a free name change. So basically you can get a free name change every 7 days, or otherwise restore alts with names you’re currently using.


Just tried to do this and it isn’t working for me.

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Oh, that’s weird. I’ve done it twice since the patch but maybe it’s already changed again? If anyone else can test give it a try

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Yes, I can confirm this works right now. :slight_smile: Restored a priest from ages ago with a taken name–when you hit ‘Enter World’ it just prompts you to rename. She came back with an exclamation point at the end of the old name. So yeah, potential free name change every 7 days if you want to do the delete tango.

(If it makes a difference, I still owned the name she had while she was deleted, just on a separate active character. Not sure if it works the same way if a different user has since claimed that name.)

As did I.

I’ll try again in 7 days, I guess, I have no idea why it didn’t work for me. I can’t remember exactly what the game said, but it spat out something like I already had a character active with that name so I could not restore my character at the time.

Did you do this with a long-deleted character or with a currently active character by deleting it and restoring it?

For me it was with one character that had been deleted for a couple years and one that had been deleted for like a month.

I would fancy Rumour if you still have it, although I don’t have anything angelic or holy sounding in exchange other than my gals Opherial and Atharial.

Sure no problem. The name holder is only level 10 so it should free up immediately after deletion unless the rules changed with the squish. Add me on battlenet Chonga#1372 and I’ll free it up for you later this evening.