I think the key reason I can’t stay is indeed the story. For me it was always about the story.
Little bit of personal info about me: I was raised by a father who was ultra-success focused. Academic success was 110% his priority for me, and everything else was irrelevant. I was banned from all forms of fiction from the age of 7 onwards, outside of school holidays. Never stopped me fully, I’ve always had a love of stories. I still wake up at around 4:30 am habitually because I used to sneak-read books with a torch under the covers of my bed before anyone woke up
One thing I was allowed to do was play Age of Empires 2 for 30 mins every Sunday, which I LOVED. It passed the not-fiction-test because it was at least somewhat educational. But I had two cousins around my age (they were brothers) who sorta tried to save me from the fiction restriction. Whenever I’d visit their place they’d do movie sessions with me, play some games, that sort of thing. Loved Lord of the Rings and the Matrix the most haha!
Anyway one day one of said cousins introduced me to Warcraft 3. Said it was like Lord of the Rings and Age of Empires combined. So naturally I was super hyped. He bought it for my birthday, sneakily. And my GOSH I totally fell in love. The story of Warcraft 3 was totally amazing and I spent YEARS wanting to know what happened to my favourite characters, like Arthas, Kael’thas, Jaina and Thrall. It was a powerful gateway into fantasy, and I spent quite a while knowing WoW existed but being unable to play it.
Then in early Cata, I was in Grade 12, 17 years old. I got a laptop. I got a part time job. I was able to afford my own subscription and sneakily hide my gaming behind a pretension of studying. And it was so totally freeing. WoW opened my world to the idea of role playing games, and was seriously the most fun I’d had. I spent a good lot of my early months playing just trying to find landmarks from Warcraft 3. And I even died trying to get my undead hunter to Theramore
. I had no idea what I was doing but it was so liberating for a fairly suppressed young kid, and seriously, so much fun. I wish I could recover that feeling, frankly.
For this reason I think the story and universe of WoW were always my priority. Gameplay changes constantly and I was fairly indifferent to it… but exploring the world, getting to know the races, what they’re all about it… It was the most amazing thing.
I know it’s not the best, deepest, or most consistently written fantasy universe. But it’s one I absolutely loved… with stories and events that were actually pretty damn good. Sure some were kinda lame (*coughs * WoD) but largely there was always good stuff that could keep me engaged and happy.
So with the story being what it is now… BFA had good aspects, things I could vibe with. The Kul Tiras story especially really resonated with me. But… Shadowlands I’m just not feeling. It’s not the Azeroth I fell in love with anymore. It’s a totally different universe, that by even EXISTING creates so many plot holes, retcons and inconsistencies that frankly… I just can’t get excited anymore. I look at the game and just… feel blegh. Disappointed even. It’s not the world I fell in love with anymore.
So as someone who potentially erroneously prioritised the story above everything else… This blows. It’ll take some big changes in focus and direction for me to come back at all, and frankly I’ll be ignoring the Shadowlands as much as fundamentally possible. However I have a sinking feeling I won’t be coming back. I’ve had hiatuses in the past, but for a MAX of two months, usually less. This time I’ve been gone gone since early February, with no interest in coming back, no interest in my characters, and no interest in the world. And it friggen blows, man.