Wyrmrest Confessions

My Vulpera was just a belt thief. Steal the belt, try to sell or trade for it back. People with their trousers down tend to be more willing to pay extra!

It was fun.


I love this guy, he’s just stuck at the covenant choice. I think I’m just going to swallow it and go for his BiS despite aesthetic etc. because this is my Warlock for SL.

Going warlock, I just went a bit cliche: he’s a self-serving PoS. Which always sets up a good arc (selfish -> selfless) if I can conjure some desert-themed theme for his story :0

– Sef

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And that’s great for some people! For others, it can be hard to come up with a story for them without any context, is all I’m saying.

i confess im the worst at finishing stories. i told myself that shadow of conquest had 20-30k words left in it. yet, i started another project.

oh well, at least im still writing.

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This isn’t actually a problem for me, no. It’s a matter of pure motivation, not a lack of tools.

When buying crafted gear (e.g. legendary stuff for SL), the seller’s name matters. It’s still a gamble, because that could just be their banker, but I’ve gotten pretty good at guessing.

Last night, I paid over 10k more gold to have my Shaman’s legendary boots crafted by someone named like a proper elf rather than named like an idiot.


The only reason I don’t have a secret Vulpera alt is cause I’ve been too lazy to unlock them. It’s the only thing keeping me from making Tails the Vulpera. Maybe it’s for the best.

I’ve only unlocked Highmountain, Nightborne, and Vulpera, and in that last case they only unlocked for me after the rep requirement was removed. I’ve yet to unlock any of the Alliance allied races, not even Velves and Shinenei.

I am, what you would call, a casual.

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vulpera are the best and no one can convince me otherwise. despite having a spooky zombo picture, my real RP main is a vulpera. best race, lots of potential, interesting characteristics, great aesthetics, no racial baggage. i highly recommend playing vulpera.

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I only play Horde because they have Vulpera. I faction changed exclusively for one race.

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I’m torn between playing feral roadkill (bark-bark, growl) and spamming trade with fantasy racism about forsaken refugees and elven mana addicts stealing my furniture.

I actually started as an alliance main because I thought Worgen were neat, but I really have come to love the Horde and feel like it’s home in terms of my RP.

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After seeing some of the lovely names that people have crafted legos with…

Yeah, that’s fair.

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In low-key jealous of Thalyrssra or whatever the nightborn lady is called.
Lor’themar is hot.


I’m low-key jealous of Larry or whatever the blood elf guy is called.
Thalyssra is hot.

Actually I forgot that was a thing because I didn’t read the short story lol

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On to the topic of the Shal’dorei, Light-Forged Draenei and other ‘glowy’ races, with couples, it can be something of a learning curve to learn to sleep in the same room, or even bed, with somebody who literally glows at all times.

On to a less meme-y one.

Shal’dorei don’t receive their runic tattoos until late adolescence, at which point their position in their society was made semi-permanent due as much to bloodline and social rank of their family as their own, individual abilities. It is why the higher-ranking Shal’dorei have runic tattoos that look like they were either assaulted by an army of ants that had run through a pool of glow-in-the-dark paint and concentrated liquid amphetamines immediately prior to said assault, or are the unholy love-child of an early 90’s Deviantart artist and an extremely ADHD tattooist.

Family rank, level of proficiency in the magical arts, proficiency in other areas, social rank and similar details are all etched into the skin with magical energy and, in the case of the ‘truly’ elite, perhaps even the tiniest trace of the Nightwell’s energy to further cement the connection between the individual and the Nightwell, hence why we see most Withered as mindless wretches, and yet the three primary NPCs who help us kick off the Shal’dorei Rebellion are also Withered and yet are able to maintain their consciousnesses and personalities due to a lingering, if miniscule, connection to the Nightwell via their runic tattoos.

Over time, as the individual rises and falls within their society, their runic tattoos might be changed and altered, depending upon the nature of their rise and/or fall, entire sections of the tattoos might be removed to ‘wipe away’ a disgrace, or to punish the individual by completely removing their successes and making them lower than even a menial servant. For the most part, however, you can tell a Shal’dorei’s entire life history based upon the size, complexity and runes contained within their tattoos, and that’s also why extremely high-ranked or ambitious Shal’dorei wear such revealing outfits, they’re boasting of their accomplishments and daring you to get close enough to literally bask in their presence just to get that information in the first place.


You can have purple lady if I can get Lor’daddy


I feel pushed out of WoW.
The things I enjoy most are doing open world content, professions, and stories about the factions/races.
Shadowlands doesn’t really offer the first two. Or at least, they’re not a viable gearing path.
WoW’s story isn’t really about the races therein anymore. It’s about a nameless ultraspecial chosen one champion who goes from place to place, each being less related to the character than the last. Meanwhile, the narrative is driven by a soap opera told through a handful of big name NPCs.

I geared up off epic BGs for a while, but while I initially liked them, I’ve gotten tired of them now. They only bring me up to ilevel 197 anyway. And that’s only with a lot of them.

Melodramatic, but I don’t feel like I have a place in WoW anymore.


My gosh Kass, I feel that.

Honestly for the first time ever I don’t know that I even like World of Warcraft anymore. It’s… rough.

I’m genuinely considering going to RP in ESO. I love the Elder Scrolls lore and I quite enjoy the game as well. Maybe it’s time to find a new home, you know? But I don’t want to abandon my guild - I love those guys to bits. I’m holding out a slim hope that things’ll become more Azeroth related at least with the patch content. Guess I’ll see what Blizzconn has to say. But… for the first time in a decade I’m actually considering quitting this game. Which is a shock given that I managed to remain optimistic even through WoD and BFA haha.


Boy don’t I feel that, Last year around September i just… had no will for WoW any more. I do adore it like one adores a very weird looking cat that’s sitting outside that is dubious at best but god they are a lovely cat. I kind of still miss WoW at times but for awhile now just nothing about it made me happy to even log on, im semi-catching up on what SL lore has to offer but its a mix of ‘nice’ and ‘oh dear’ to ‘your still doing nothing with X chariter then? Okie dokie.’

Kind of miss WRA too even when i shifted over to MG but now I just have the memeories… yes memeories, i know what i spelt. Oh right my confession. Uhhh… I left WoW and around the beginning of Legion I made a copy of this guy here to moonguard, the memes where right… the two servers really are the bloody same.