Wyrmrest Accord Discord

where we dropping lads

(apparently on the top of the page)

shut up, please



complete sentence

gamer kets


Folks, do me a favour and stop engaging. Engaging with them will just get this one deleted like the last.


The WrA discord is cool and nice and doesn’t tolerate transphobes, homophobes, or bigots, has never mass reported one of my roleplay threads like a certain guild, and begrudgingly tolerates me when I spam pictures of dog-faced bats. Would recommend.


I like the discord :stuck_out_tongue: I can look at art and talk to people and maybe one day find a guild for some of my characters. Also, events are posted there.

So thumbs-up from me. I was in the old one as well, but wasn’t around when it went kaput and really don’t CARE so long as there’s a discord for WRA’ers to access that isn’t full of meanies.



The Crow’s Crook supports anything that brings the community together! Keep on keepin’ on.


Looking forward to the eventual MK11 nights with folks from the Discord, there’s a bunch of people interested in the game and I’m hoping they’re all grabbing it on PC.

WRA Brood War night


WrA Stellaris Nights when

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Literally all anyone has to do if they want to play a Paradox game is ping me.

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But that requires effort and I’m allergic to effort.

I’d love to find a group that I can run M+ with every now and again as I gear up the characters on this server. I got this warrior and a paladin leveled to 120 so far, working on a mage and a rogue real soon.

The people here can probably help me out, which is cool. :3

You want a carry, my boy? The Dawn’s got you covered.

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Please, do go on. I miss social interaction in this game something fierce.

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The Dawn are nice people!

Oh, and so are the folks in the discord server (to get back on subject)

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I popped into the discord for a single channel because it’s been amusing to watch recognizable forum personalities experience FF14.

I have yet to witness anything deplorable. I’m not a particularly sociable lad, but I know enough to know that the community at large is at least socially presentable. So anyone still in is either an upstanding sort, or wise enough to keep shut up in specific ways.

Which is as passable as I’d ever ask for.


yeah a lotta people have been hopping into FFXIV lately, myself included
i’m happily running an eorzean potato myself

I appreciate that XIV lets me play as an effeminate man without turning it into a big, mean-spirited “joke” that teeters on the edge of genuine malice.

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