i’m wearing a long sleeve shirt (rolled up a bit) and that tells you that I’m a happy man- no more 90 degree weather, IT’S FALL DANGIT!!!
Today is a good day. I made a bangin’ batch of chili after work. I’m glad the cooler weather has finally arrived.
I’m finishing up my work day and just realized from the delicious smells coming from downstairs that my partner decided to make homemade Philly Cheesesteak again.
It’s a good mood.
This happened to my first Nest. Apparently I didn’t wire the first one correctly (even though I did it with a Nest technician on the phone advising me the whole way), so its battery wasn’t auto-charging when our HVAC was on. This wasn’t a big deal and went unnoticed until our heat died completely around X-mas Eve when it was -20 degrees Fahrenheit. We got it fixed but the old Next refused to reboot because the battery by then was permanently dead and refused to charge again.
Anyway, the HVAC guy took the extra step to realize that (wasn’t even his job) and showed me the proper way to wire it for our configuration. Now the battery is internally powered by our HVAC system 24/7, not just when it’s running. This is good for days we’re not running AC or heat because the temperature is mild. He says he sees this happen all the time. I wonder if Nest led you astray in your wiring, too? It’s also been unreliable since Google bought it so it’s not a bad idea to change.
Idk, a technician wired it in as part of my security system.
I will tell you that the thing is the biggest annoyance and I leave it off as much as possible because it won’t stop trying to adjust to the exact temperature. So I set it to 70. Heat kicks on and oops, it got to 71. So fan kicks on to get it back to 70 (and I can’t stop it, I’ve tried). Oops, it gets to 68. Heat kicks on to get it back to 70. Oops, 72. And so on. I absolutely hate the thing and have sincerely considered replacing it with the same manual model I had before.
USPS didn’t lose the battery in transit. I contacted Amazon and surprise, what really happened was they ran out and it didn’t ship, but ofc that didn’t get updated. I ordered a different one. Maybe it’ll be here tomorrow. Maybe not.
Oh, yeah. That’s annoying. You can semi-manage it to a degree by turning off its learning mode — it unhelpfully tries to “learn” your habits and basically assumes what you want. It never managed to keep the temperatures comfortable for me. Now I have a schedule/range of temperatures and learning mode off. Sometimes it comes back on, though. I honestly couldn’t tell you why.
Demolition/construction just started today in the apartment next to me, courtesy of a drunk driver who ploughed a truck into the living room and kitchen back in July. I think I’m going to lose my mind. I have no idea how I’m going to live next to that noise for however long it takes them to renovate it. No courtesy notice from the landlord either, just my entire unit beginning to vibrate at 8am and noise like the horsemen of the apocalypse had arrived.
And I work graveyard shift and sleep during the day so
I love that guy. When Youtube first recommended one of his videos to me I was all, “there’s no way I’m going to sit through a 25+ minute video about extension cords.” But I gave in and I’ll be damned if he doesn’t manage to make stuff like that interesting. He also shares my pet peeve about lackluster modern LED Christmas light colors.
I left my TV on Cartoon Network bc I noticed my dog watching it for the first time ever and they were running a Scooby Doo marathon all morning which was hilarious.
Dear tanks:
I love you, I know you are strong. I am usually your healer. But when I am playing on my rogue, please… please move the mobs out of bad. I cannot maintain my dps if you are standing in the middle of a puddle of fire and I know I cannot live.
Honestly, that’s WoW’s biggest problem. TMSOF.
I only have two brain cells when I tank.
You have two options with me, I move out of the bad but not the bad guys rip melee dps or I stand in bad and rip the healer (emotional damage)
Tbh I think what I struggle the most with is whether it’s good fire or bad fire. Some stuff is super visually obvious if it’s bad or good but my brain just panics and assumes everything is bad
I respect tanks. I’ve never really been able to tank. well, at least not when I was supposed too. I’ve accidently tanked. I’ve been assumed to me a tank - because tauren in plate. (that sounds wrong - tauren…plate…)
I’m lazy and will only tank world bosses or super easy content. I don’t tank often enough to keep track of what I should be doing for that role in most new instances/raids.
I am fortunate in that my wife likes to tank and or heal.
I started tanking in DF and it’s fun but I need to do content and screw up it up before I learn. I can watch all the guides, read all the strats and it won’t connect until I just go in and do it.
A lot of times there’s just an overload of information with guides when it can be simplified to: taunt when boss does A, move boss when B happens and use CDs during C.
Also for me it’s learning the visual queues. Three of us was doing Sepulcher mythic and one of the bosses was killing us and we needed to do mechanics. The in game guide is ike, move into Nova Sonic Storm Wind when Fire Wisdom Tower Unleashes Domination Mountains and taunt Energy Moon Fragments but don’t taunt Energy Sun Fragments. Then you do fight and there’s just sparkles and explosions and it’s just noise everywhere and I’m like which one is the Moon Fragments. Except it’s blizz so the Moon Fragments will be sun/yellow colour and the Sun Fragments will be white/blue so you keep taunting the wrong one because everything happens in 15 seconds and finally it’s like oh so it’s based on a white dwarf sun not the yellow sun that orbits our planet you stare into burning your eyes praising satan. So you go to outside resources and it’s like a 45 minute youtube video and bruh I’m just doing a stupid mog run for fun. I’m glad I don’t mythic raid.
That also
is all
Look, I get the need to follow the aesthetic
but there comes a point when you’re sacrificing basic principles of UI/UX just to keep the game looking pretty.
I got some starbucks popcorn at the food pantry and it is in fact really good. I wish they had a better system though. They have people get in lines and take what you need around a series of tables but it’s pretty unorganized. still nice.
The best is when I finally proc a vial of poison on the ground and the tank can’t identify it, so they move the mob out of it.
This is why I don’t always run with Power Word: Barrier in M+ pugs. With so much visual spell spam, we’ve been conditioned to avoid things outright rather than try and memorize what is friendly or unfriendly.
Hi Wyrmrest, I hope you all have been doing well. I have been doing, not as well. I will be as brief as I can for the forum gods, but I got close to doing something to myself that would have been very irreversible and permanent. I am currently in the throes of rethinking my entire life and what I need to do to be happy and fulfilled. I want desperately to have the space and energy for rp again, I love and miss the server. I hope to be back to you guys soon. Please love each other, you never know what hidden battles others are going through.