WWI: Fel Synergy & Soul Link - Why 2 Point Nodes?

As the title suggests, why are Fel Synergy and Soul Link 2-point nodes in WWI? On live they’re both 1-point nodes. Honestly, as a PvPer, Fel Synergy is useless other than to get to the Pact of Gluttony capstone. Even in PvE, I cannot image this talent is terribly useful. Soul Link used to be 15/20% in past expansions (if memory serves right), which would justify a 2-point node. But since the damage redirection is staying 10% there is no reason for a second point into this talent (not to mention w/Grimoire of Sac it’s only 3% HP buff instead of 5%).

Overall, the class changes (Warlock and beyond) for WWI have been amazing: Class and Spec trees together, not to mention the flavor of the Hero Talent options. I really hope these nodes go from 2-point to 1-point as there is really is no justification for doing so. Not only is it a nerf/change from live, but it drastically reduces the fun talents we can pick in the class tree.

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If Soul Link was like 7/15% and Fel Synergy at least 10/20%, I think it might make more sense but you’re right, as two point nodes they’re just pretty garbage.

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Going into TWW passive defensives (shields, absorbs, healing, etc.) as a whole has been nerfed. That’s probably their justification behind it.

It may not feel good directly comparing it to DF, but in TWW the class side feels a lot better.

I miss the DR destro used to have built into its Mastery. We’ve been slowly losing passive defensives yet specs like spriest, mage, and monk still have 4-5 defensives to press. At this rate, give another active defensive to press or introduce a new immunity button for us.

No they are not. The only nerf that happen was to things like leech. But they then gave half of dps some weird passive health regen/absorb.


Not sure what you’re basing that on, every class got more defensive and mitigation tools in their class trees and hero talents, hunters for example doubled their defensive cds.

The reason locks got nerfed is due to the m+ viewpoint that locks are too passively tanky compared to other classes.

Sadly , outside of m+ lock survivability is mediocre at best, especially in pvp where the cds are largely left weak with longer cd durations compared to others simply due to the belief in said natural mitigation which isn’t as impactful in the majority of other scenarios that occur in the game.

The talent tree still needs more work, it is counter intuitive.

Making soul leech the first auto-learned node in the tree when it was previously baseline is so moronic. It hurt our point-economy now that a point is needed for Demonic Teleport.

Demonic Tactics location is irritating, I don’t want to build crit as Demo or Afflic. It’s a potentially dead node that complicates pathing…put soul link back there in its place instead.

In the Demo tree, being forced to spec into implosion is just awful. Make it baseline at that point. The left side of the tree is also currently restrictive and counterintuitive. Implosion should be where spiteful reconstitution is. SR, imp gang boss, and inner demons can then be interchanged as needed.

These oversights were okay in DF but unacceptable going into a new expansion where things should be improved, not worsened.

And now practically almost everyone spec is just as tank through immunities/absorbs/passives overtime healing in n m+

Funny enough our drain life now is worst than more than half of the other dps passive heals.