I’m searching for a new guild, I would prefer an AoTC guild that would like to or has gotten into early mythic progress.
I am 483 ilvl and can play both Windwalker and Brewmaster, I can consider playing Mistweaver but do not have much experience, I am always willing to learn. I do have AoTC this tier as well as KSH. I am available every evening and would prefer raid to get done before 11:00 PM EST.
Contact; Discord - ryderft Bnet - Ryder#12419
Hello! Optimum on Thrall is looking for experienced DPS and Heals to fill our raiding group and do M+ with the guild. We have achieved AOTC all DF seasons and are looking to continue moving into S4! We are a great group of friends who offer a more casual hardcore. Yet effectively push keys and down heroic bosses. Maybe prog into mythic if the tools are right. We raid Thurs-Fri 9pm-11pm EST and do M+ everyday. Come have fun with us! Reach out to Andyd69 on discord!