WW with 2H weps

Will Wind Walker* get to use 2h weapons this xpac? I have a sick transmog that I’d like to use but I don’t want to be handicapped on dps.

Furthermore. Why won’t they bring back weapon specializations like rogues and warriors had before? Give 2handed a random stun proc and 1h an extra attack or something. I’m tired of the cookie cutter weapon choices.

I’m coming back to monk after a long time away.

Are 2 handers not good for some reason?

Haste being our best stat and talents like dual threat existing pushes 1h above 2h weapons. Also next season there are multiple cantrip 1 handers which pushes the gap even further.


What Kurtis said about Dual Threat is correct, but the gap is small and will likely get smaller as ilvl increases until 2h takes over. Cantrips may indeed tip the scales towards one or the other at any point, but it’s all minmaxing and may not be relevant to you if you’re a more casual player. You won’t be “handicapped” when using 2h, it’s just slightly worse. Sim yourself for an accurate comparison which you can use to decide.

And presumably in most cases iLvl will win out anyway.


Sure, but to know where that line lies, you’ll need to sim.

You can but DW is better. There’s double ench advantage, next patch we’re getting special equip effects, and auto attacks are better with dw.

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Ilvl will not always win out. 5-10 or so item levels will win out for 2h (someone feel free to correct me of this is outdated) on average cause of the two enchants you get, dual threat just being better with dual wield and ofc stats and cantrips factor into this. Just Sim it.

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iirc, it’s really within 1% difference.
a higher ilvl 2H beats MH of the same ilvl and OH lower ilvl.
But both MH+OH being same ilvl as 2H would win…by like 0.8% or something.

Regardless, real chads know mogs>logs.


they’d need to let you enchant 2hander twice to compete with 2 1handers heh

I had tested 2h vs two 1h I saw a DPS increase with the 2h overall due to hitting harder then the 1h’ers that double is good for the enchants but they don’t proc as much for me. Aside from the crafted weapon being bis for the added damage might be equal to the or more to the 2h crafted. But I do encourage people to test what works best for you.

We have simulations that can test this exponentially more times and more accurately than someone could dream of doing by hand.

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O.O when did you become a gnome

When Ansurek prog required it

I’ve spotted the fury warrior dressed as a ninja. He thought he could fool us.

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