WW monks 4 PC tier set bug

When cast Storm, Earth, Fire, those 2 spirits not correctly getting the 4 PC tier set buff on tiger palm. Only the Storm spirit gets the tiger palm buff. which results in 2% DPS lost during the burst window. :rofl:


WW monks need a buff in general overall.


Yeah the small buffs we are getting in 11.0.5 feel weird when Celestial Conduit is still undertuned compared to Shado.

At least we’re getting buffs to Shado Pan… why do we need more buffs? I feel like WW is strong.

??? You must be trolling. WW is one of the weakest melee atm by alot.

WW is if not the most weakest defensive class
Our aoe is absolutely in shambles and cannot compete against any other class well in large packs above 12s
Only thing that is “good” is that our ST is good but other then that…

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No YOU must be trolling, weakest defensively!? Have you played DH? Weakest mele, have you played enhance? Like no… I cannot agree with that. But look I’m not gonna argue with you, and you have the right to your opinions just like I have mine, but this might be a YOU issue :eyes:

IF you think WW is not one of the weakest defensive classes, then you are deff not paying attention to WW and ya I can guarantee you that I have vastly much more exp then you as havoc.

Havoc is actually still better then WW in defensive because WW gets absolutely destroyed by rot dmg vs Havoc that doesn’t and on top of it and rot dmg is by far the worse one.

I can’t help but think you’re all talking about different metrics of “strength”.


Sorry I completely stopped paying attention after you said DH has more sustain than a WW monk… Lmao :joy: sure you got “more experience” on DH then me, have a good one buddy!

Yea. Blizz has to resolve the channel cancelling due to “insert random thing here.” I’ve had a channel cancel on Celestial Conduit before and that was ick. Regarding Shado tuning, Shado needs works done period. Between not being able to go past 10 charges, the sad damage, and Wisdom of the Wall, Shado-Pan ain’t great.

At worst, WW is mid. At best, we’re not good. We’ve had too many nerfs that have stuck with the spec for literal years, and it feels like it gets worse every xpac. We take far more trades and losses than we do actual gains.

In terms of M+, it’s been a wild fall from grace since Legion. In terms of ST/Raid, we’ve made mild improvements in ST at cost. In terms of Hero Talents, both need work done. In terms of mechanics/the way the spec now functions, what we have works but it doesn’t work great as there are still old issues that have yet to resolved and have probably been made worse with the stat changes.