WW Monk the Hardest Spec?

For me the fun aspect of WW is there. I think Blizz nailed it with how in your face WW can be and Clash is a great addition to this. But I agree RSK probably needs a realistic buff when it comes to damage. I feel like it just hits like a wet noodle right now, maybe even buff Strike of the Wind Lord. I’m not sure if buffing Blackout kick would really do much in terms of single target pressure considering I mainly see Blackout kick as more of an extra chi builder when it gets a proc etc.

you would press the buttons then chi burst jump chi torpedo a fter FoF

Feels like the hardest class to play to its full potential is and will pretty much always be rogue, but WW is definitely in a bit of a weak spot rn. Not as weak as some other dps specs, though. If you’re struggling with it then you won’t have much better luck with something like Aug or fdk or mm.

Eh debatable…Sin and Outlaw really aren’t anything crazy anymore. Sub def can be played horribly but Sub also has some of the most insane toolkit of any class or spec in the game and when played by someone who has played Rogue for years yea it’s going to slap regardless.

But I’d say Sin and Outlaw are pretty easy to pickup for someone alting a Rogue.

yo I started the expansion on monk and that was a HUGE mistake.

For the campaign you wanna play on a Mage (for the portal), or a rogue for stealth in pvp. OR level a warlock or hunter to get a dps to max level for “free”, because your hybrid alts can just queue dungeons as support (tank/heals) and level super fast.

So that was my first mistake, because the monk would’ve leveled right away anyway through dungeons.

They removed KIEFERS so monks can’t stick to targets anymore and they lack crit chance, because no compensation was made for the loss of kiefer’s.

Monk damage is low and they’re balanced around having the void reaper’s set from mythic ansurek in pvp, hence why monk, dh and enhance will all be weaker until they get that set going.

I could argue Clash was a decent compensation.

nah clash can be dead zoned and is on a one min cd and doesn’t grant kiefer’s crit. Kiefer’s was bugged on some pvp maps so they removed it, because it would teleport you from the lower side of kot mogu to the upper area by going around the stairs super fast.

ngl this is always the case

I always go back to playing wow on a monk then swap to something else
this is the one time in literally over 10 years that I actually stuck with a monk

you need to actually like the class to play it

Yea it’s def not replacing Kiefers but then again Keifers was pretty busted in S-lands. I prefer this version of Monk, it feels much more fun. But then again I think it needs some buffs to single target abilities like RSK or Strike of the windlord on the primary target etc. Right now a ton of my damage feels like pad damage especially when popping Conduit. But yea I don’t really mind the mobility being trash right now considering I feel wayyyy tankier than I have ever felt in previous expacs with the change to Expel Harm etc.

I think instead of wanting more mobility on monks they need to nerf the perma-slowing abilities from Frost Mage and DK slows…maybe even nerf Lock Exhaustion as well.

Idk, monk just doesn’t put much pressure out. Normally i get a bit worried when they use cds, but this xpac its really not much outside of windlord.

Clash is garbage, functionally it is not at all 8-30yd range. Nothing new for WW in this box.

MW chain lightning tho

yeah I agree with you. You have to enjoy the celestial conduit playstyle and I don’t like monk in it’s current iteration so I focus on other classes now.

Venruki says ww monks feel like a bad time and I agree with him. Notice how he’s never on his monk anymore.

I didn’t notice any ww monks in the awc either. Then again I haven’t been watching as avidly as I did in the past.

Dorito played it for awhile in the beginning early cups and they were doing pretty well. But then I think a bunch of classes went untouched with nerfs and all the players started swapping off Rogues to play Feral and WW just became obsolete I think.

oh yeah thanks for that. Now I remember Dorito from the early cups aswell. I guess they’re not as bad as I think, but still I enjoyed SL and DF monk waaaaay more.

Now my monk is just a lowly mistweaver that gets conquest tokens for other classes.

No I do agree WW def needs some ST damage buffs, I’m not saying they are in a good spot haha. I think if they got ST damage buffs along with other classes getting nerfed back into line and WoW doing away with the passive perma slows from specific classes and auto-refreshing slowing abilities (Concussive shot, Frost Mage Chill effects, Lock Curse etc) it will end up being in a very strong spot.

We also lost disabling reach which was huge for me. I always kept that talent.

WW monk was my best dps that I got 1800 in shuffle with, in season 2 of DF.

My monk also felt like a god in bgs during DF.

Now he feels weak.

Maybe I should TRY celestial conduit? idk… I want to be shado pan though.

If we get kiefer’s and disabling reach back then I’ll be super happy, because monks will just be better than in previous iterations.

You might not have noticed, but disable is baseline 10yrds now.

That’s absolutely not true.

What? They removed it for PVE reasons; the same reason they do and make most changes.

There was ww/ele on NA and last awc there were 2x ww/ele on EU. WW is definitely undertuned atm, though. Very insanely tanky, but can’t really kill anything :confused:

Good news is MW got huge buffs and is a lot of fun! :smiley:

FR tho, can prob buff WW damage and nerf some of its tankiness.

I only see Roll on my bars wheres Reroll