I’m having trouble deciding which to main. I’ve been playing DH since Legion and still love the class fantasy. Both specs have excellent mobility. Feel free to share your thoughts.
Depends if you like playing momentum builds or not. I personally hate it, so WW wins every time.
If you like momentum, DH tends to fair much better in the Meta rotation, especially after the first season…so stick with DH.
I think both are pretty middle of the pack DPS wise, so at that point, it’s totally up to whether or not you prefer one playstyle over the other.
Real tuning hasn’t happened, and won’t until S1 begins. I wouldn’t worry about settling just yet.
monk bro
chaos brand > mystic touch
WW Monk. (But I don’t like DH, so take that how you will)
Nobody respects DH because most arent good enough to play one. If you want to use actual skill choose DH
yep, nerf dh!
WW has more complex ability interaction and resource management.
DH has its mobility restricted when you have to use fel rush or vengeful retreat for DPS.
WW offensive cooldowns are more flexible with timing since SEF gets multiple charges.
WW has a more versatile, but softer utility kit than DH:
Monk has no group defensive similar to Darkness.
Chaos Brand > Mystic Touch most of the time,
Netherwalk >> Fortifying Brew
Chaos Nova + Fel Eruption + Imprison >>> Leg Sweep + Paralysis
but WW also has ROP, Detox, Tigers Lust, and can give external heals, which can all be situationally useful.
Personally, as someone that pugs everything, I prefer WW since it just feels a little more versatile. I have more tools for more situations and I don’t feel like I’m whiffing abilities as often (although I have probably 100x more time as WW than Havoc).
However, if you enjoy playing Havoc, I don’t think there is any strong reason to swap to a Windwalker other than that you just want to try something new.