If you are a roleplayer as well, The Grim might interest you.
We raid on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 8:30-11:30 Eastern time. For each tier, we always clear Normal and Heroic, and we always earn the AotC achievement, as well as any meta-achievements for the raid that award mounts or titles.
We do M+ on Fridays, starting around 8:30 or 9:00 Eastern, and whenever else people group up to run them.
We do PVP, both casual and rated content on Sundays and Wednesdays, starting at 9:00 Eastern. Our casual events consist of the weekly PVP quest, wPVP, regular BG’s, and BG Brawls. Rated is for RBG’s and Arenas.
We are a medium sized guild, made up mostly of working adults, many with families, and some college students. We have a very low tolerance for drama and attention seekers, so the guild environment is very friendly and easygoing. Real life always comes first, so absences from events are totally acceptable. We just ask to be notified in advance when possible, so we can plan accordingly.
If that sounds interesting to you, you can find more information on our forum recruitment post, as well as a link to our Discord and website. Feel free to pop into Discord and say hi! We can also answer any questions you have, and you can browse our public channels and get a feel for our community.
WrA Grim Post: [H-RP/PVE/PVP] The Grim - Choose your Path!
Hope to see you soon!
Edit: Oops, you’re a Void Elf, not a Blood Elf!
Well, if you ever consider switching to Horde…