WW monk in dragonflight feedback

as a standalone entity i like SeF more than xuen as well, but the fact that if the illusions get hit with absolutely any aoe cc then my burst turns into a damage down is the absolute worst feeling in the world, as well as weird buggy interactions like the blades edge bridge where instead of walking 2 feet to reach my target standing in the middle of the ramp they decided to go all the way around the entire arena, up the other side of the ramp, across the bridge, and down the ramp my opponent was on to actually start doing damage during my burst

i’m not sure, i haven’t played much ww lately, i’m back from a like year break and have only been playing alts really

Monk dps is so broken now. Single target dps/aoe dmg is off the chart. Fix this broken aoe dmg with low cd. Every other class has 1 min cd and such while monks cd is 30sec or less.

You don’t understand the class and that is why you’re losing playing a way better spec