WW monk: do you use a staff or fist weapons?

Are they any differences beside transmog purposes?

Differences in gameplay : Purely visual

Differences “under the hood” : Duel wield will beat 2h at equal item level by a solid amount.

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What are differences “under the hood”?

Theres a global tuning knob for Windwalker. Right now it favors dual wield. In some cases by as much as 10 item level. 2h was previously at -2%, it’s currently at 0% damage bonus, while Dual wield is at 2% damage bonus.


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I’m not sure this idea is based on any testing.

Just yesterday I tested 2h vs DW on a target dummy, same ilvl same everything, same rotation for 10 minutes.

DW came out 9 dps behind 2H. It’s mostly a wash but that tiny difference indicates that the damage is in all likelihood the same with both.

This was with enchants, sharpening stone, etc? People in discord were commenting that the 171s they had were beating 184 2h.

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I tested it for literal hours in the beta on target dummies and duel wielding won by a large margin then and now that my M0 world tour is over this week I can spend time testing it again.

I also tested all the covens and watch Venthyr will be the dps sleeper coven if they get the right soul binds. It will be the 3min god that pom pyro mages used to be. (Stacking the Fallen Monks soul bind and Xuen Soul Binds then Macro them together in a cast sequence + weapon oil + Potion that enhances oil = everything dies and bosses getting burned down)

I’m willing to bet it gets nerfed once one streaming shows this combo in pvp. I am going 2v1 just me and winning right now with this combo.

Really? I actually was about to SWITCH to Venth before any serious cov content comes out. Which soul binds were you talking about? I was using Venth in pvp all the time but after they DESTROYED the ability I just left it alone, but I had the same itch you did, I just believe its gonna take time to be GOOD

also, having a second enchant slot helps bump dual-wield up