There is something very weird about ww monk, if performance is bad, I can usually point to what the issue is, maybe I screwed up the rotation, maybe AOE is just not good, but for ww monk, I literally do not understand why there is such a gap in performance compared to some of the other specs I have tried.
It just doesn’t make sense, damage profile is not bad, AOE is good when I practice the rotation on dummy, but then when I put it into practice in an actual dungeon it always disappoints.
The only thing I can point at is bugs such as the channel bugs and maybe mark of the crane.
Hopefully the changes will improve this situation, but I mean, I didn’t feel like ww monk had this issue in df, so why is it a problem now? Mark of the crane existed in DF, and the damage profile wasn’t that much different
It’s a shame too because I’m terms of gameplay I think it’s literally the most fun melee spec in the game at the moment.
Maybe just a suggestion, bring back the ability to cast other abilities during the sck channel. And as I suggested a could of times, remove acclamations, buff rsk and put a talent that makes rsk deal splash damage in AOE.